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Posted: Thu 07 Jun, 2007 1:21 am
by Spencer
Thank you all for the helpful feedback. Using your suggestions we were able to correct to the two more pressing matters:
  • Debugger should now open for all users
  • TI-OS will no longer lock up while defragmenting
We added the additional features:
  • Extra hotkeys (backspace to toggle screenshot)
  • Ctrl-C to copy the current ANS to the clipboard (not on 73, 82, or 83 however)
  • A lovely 48x48 icon
Download Beta 2:

Posted: Thu 07 Jun, 2007 4:03 pm
by CoBB
Will you also tightly integrate the emulator and the assembler? It looks like a logical step to me. For instance, having to deal with separate label and breakpoint files is absolutely redundant, when you could just throw the source code at the emulator and have it running instantly, with all the data structures created during compilation immediately available to the debugger.

Posted: Thu 07 Jun, 2007 8:40 pm
by Dwedit
I can't get my emulator to boot. Could you give me a full z80 trace [PC, instruction executed, register contents, etc] of booting up a TI83 version 1.07 up until the Mem Cleared message appears on the screen?

Posted: Fri 08 Jun, 2007 1:36 am
by Jim e
CoBB wrote:Will you also tightly integrate the emulator and the assembler? It looks like a logical step to me. For instance, having to deal with separate label and breakpoint files is absolutely redundant, when you could just throw the source code at the emulator and have it running instantly, with all the data structures created during compilation immediately available to the debugger.
That's definitely the plan in the long run, but for now it's kinda that feeling this will do for now. But even the the assembler needs some work. I wanted to parse lst files straight out, but it seems that there were minor bugs in it. So now I'm getting more familiar with it.
Dwedit wrote:I can't get my emulator to boot. Could you give me a full z80 trace [PC, instruction executed, register contents, etc] of booting up a TI83 version 1.07 up until the Mem Cleared message appears on the screen?
That would hit the megabytes really freakin fast. Three issues I had with 83 and 82 were the memory paging, the link(that prevented boot for me), and the LCD(contrast was insanely low, I didn't realize the 82 was working properly until hours after debuggin).

Since it's probably hardware, here's the Port reads and write untill it boots up. Also I had it print the memory pages for each bank when ever the possibility of a swap came up.

Posted: Fri 08 Jun, 2007 5:04 pm
by Dwedit
Please fix up that output a little. The arrows are backwards, and the 'data read from the port' is always equal to the port number.

Edit: I can see that my emulator dies at "2ECE: ret", the value popped off the stack is zero, causing a reset. Now how would that happen?

Edit: GAH... stupid GNU assembler not giving an error when it generates incorrect arm code!

Posted: Sat 09 Jun, 2007 1:45 am
by Dwedit
How do I build this?

Posted: Sat 09 Jun, 2007 3:24 am
by Spencer
Our makefile is autogenerated since we add so many files so often. It will become easier to deal with in later releases.

You need gcc and winres. Compile all with -DWINVER=0x501 and -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 and gui, core, debugger, hardware, and utilities directories included. Link with
  • user32
  • ole32
  • Uuid
  • gdi32
  • Msimg32
  • comdlg32
  • winmm
  • comctl32
Use zlib from from compressed save states.

Posted: Sat 09 Jun, 2007 9:13 am
by Dwedit
Well, I don't have a development environment capable of building the program, so may I request a special version which can trace the entire boot process, displaying register contents after each instruction is executed? That way I can find the precise moments where the emulation diverges.

Posted: Tue 12 Jun, 2007 4:24 am
by Dwedit
Looks like I probably won't be needing that help anymore :)

Posted: Sun 23 Sep, 2007 5:06 am
by Jim e
Just to let everyone know there is a mac beta now. So for those of you waving the apple flag, please beta test.



Posted: Tue 23 Oct, 2007 1:27 pm
by CDI
looks sexy, will test when I get home, not that I am into dev for calc anymore, but still

Posted: Tue 23 Oct, 2007 9:38 pm
by JoostinOnline
Wow...I can't believe you just called a calc emulator sexy :D!

Posted: Wed 24 Oct, 2007 11:07 am
by Jim e
Will's latest Mac build is looking REALLY good.


Posted: Wed 24 Oct, 2007 11:39 am
by benryves
Do you have any hints/tips for how much of the hardware needs to be emulated before it even vaguely works, or how you built the emulator? :)

I wrote an SMS emulator so tried to hack it into a TI emulator; if I run a program directly it works (screenshots), but I haven't got anywhere as far as getting the OS to boot goes. Constructing an SMS emulator is rather easier as each game is effectively its own OS, which makes the progression from simple ROMs to more complex ROMs nice and gentle.

Posted: Wed 24 Oct, 2007 12:02 pm
by CoBB
benryves wrote:Do you have any hints/tips for how much of the hardware needs to be emulated before it even vaguely works, or how you built the emulator? :)
Well, the 83+ can obviously boot without any kind of flash functionality implemented. ;) It can also live without the link assist (which isn’t used by the BE anyway). You definitely need the keyboard, the LCD, the interrupts, the paging mechanism and port 2 reporting a plain plus. The flash can behave as plain ROM and ignore all writes. That should be sufficient to get it running.