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Post by benryves »

driesguldolf wrote:(Just for clarity: R increases on every instruction, right?)
The most significant bit is left unchanged (only the least seven increment), and I believe it's incremented once every M-cycle.
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Post by CoBB »

qarnos wrote:I'll play around with some other RNGs.
I simply iterated over some area within page 0 to create the fire effect in the menu of Acelgoyobis (basically scrolling up a line, ANDing the screen with the TIOS code and redrawing text with an OR sprite routine in each frame), and it looks pretty good. Here’s the code:

Code: Select all

FireEffect: ; BC - screen size in bytes; HL - screen address
 push hl
 ld de,12
 add hl,de
 ex de,hl
 pop hl
FE_CHack	.equ	$+2
 ld ix,1000
 ld a,(de)
 and (ix)
 ld (hl),a
 inc de
 inc hl
 inc ix
 dec bc
 ld a,b
 or c
 jp nz,FE_Clear
 ld a,ixh
 and 37
 ld ixh,a
 ld (FE_CHack),ix
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Post by Liazon »

driesguldolf wrote:
qarnos wrote:I found the reason why my routine is slow and the CoBB version is jerky - irandom is slow, slow, slooooooowww.

I'll play around with some other RNGs.
Couldn't you simple use the refresh register?
I thought irandom already uses r
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Post by driesguldolf »

Liazon wrote:
driesguldolf wrote:
qarnos wrote:I found the reason why my routine is slow and the CoBB version is jerky - irandom is slow, slow, slooooooowww.

I'll play around with some other RNGs.
Couldn't you simple use the refresh register?
I thought irandom already uses r
As far as I know there are 2 random routines. One based on R and another by calculating (the slow one).
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16-bit square -> 32-bit result

Post by qarnos »

This routine will take a 16-bit unsigned value in BC and produce the 32-bit square of that number in HL:DE.

I don't know if this is the most efficient way to do it - I couldn't find any useful information on the interwebs so I had to come up with it myself. The algorithm used is as follows:

Code: Select all

unsigned square(unsigned x)
	unsigned sqrsum = 0;
	unsigned sqrbit = 1;
	unsigned result = 0;
	for (; x; x >>= 1)
		if (x & 1)
			result += sqrbit;
			result += sqrsum;
			sqrsum += sqrbit * 2;

		sqrsum *= 2;
		sqrbit *= 4;

	return result;
And the Z80 version. A bit large (~150 bytes) since it breaks it up into 8, 16 and 32 bit loops so it only uses 32-bit arithmetic when it needs to.

Code: Select all

;  * BC - Number to square
;  * HL - High word of square(BC)
;  * DE - Low word of square(BC)
;  * AF
            ; Process the low 4 bits of BC using 8-bit arithmetic.
            ; A = sqrsum
            ; D = sqrbit
            ; E = result
            push    bc              ; [11]
            xor     a               ; [4]
            ld      de, $0100       ; [10]

_sqrLoop8:  add     a, a            ; [4] sqrsum * 2
            sra     c               ; [8]
            jr      nc, _nextBit8   ; [12/7]
            ; When the next bit of BC is set...
            ld      l, a            ; [4] save sqrsum
            add     a, e            ; [4] += result
            add     a, d            ; [4] += sqrbit
            ld      e, a            ; [4] save result
            ld      a, l            ; [4] restore sqrsum
            sla     d               ; [8] sqrbit * 2
            add     a, d            ; [4] sqrsum + sqrbit * 2
            sla     d               ; [8]
            jp      nc, _sqrLoop8   ; [10]
            jp      _sqrDone8       ; [10]            

            ; When the next bit of BC is reset...
_nextBit8:  sla     d               ; [8]
            sla     d               ; [8]
            jp      nc, _sqrLoop8   ; [10]
            ; Clean up from 8-bit mode and check if there is more to do
_sqrDone8:  ld      h, d            ; [4] move sqrsuml into HL (D is zero).
            ld      l, a            ; [4]
            ld      a, c            ; [4] check if there is anything left
            or      b               ; [4]
            jp      nz, _sqrGo16    ; [10]
            ld      l, d            ; [4] zero HL and return
            pop     bc              ; [10]
            ret                     ; [10]
            ; Process the next 4 bits with 16-bit arithmetic
            ; HL = sqrsum
            ; DE = result
            ; BC = sqrbit
_sqrGo16:   ld      a, c            ; [4]
            push    bc              ; [11]
            ld      b, 1            ; [7]
            ld      c, d            ; [4]

_sqrLoop16: add     hl, hl          ; [11] sqrsuml *= 2
            rra                     ; [4] shift next bit
            jr      nc, _nextBit16  ; [12/7]
            ; When the next bit of BC is set...
            ex      de, hl          ; [4]  sqrsum <-> result
            add     hl, de          ; [11] result += sqrsum
            add     hl, bc          ; [15] result += sqrbit
            ex      de, hl          ; [4]  result += sqrsum
            sla     b               ; [8]
            add     hl, bc          ; [11] sqrsum += sqrbit
            sla     b               ; [8]
            jp      nc, _sqrLoop16  ; [10]
            jp      _sqrDone16      ; [10]
            ; When the next bit of BC is reset...
_nextBit16: sla     b               ; [8]
            sla     b               ; [8]
            jp      nc, _sqrLoop16  ; [10]
            ; Check if there are more bits to process before continuing.
_sqrDone16: pop     af              ; [10] restore high byte of initial BC
            or      a               ; [4]
            jp      nz, _sqrGo32    ; [10]
            ld      h, b            ; [4] B is zero
            ld      l, b            ; [4]
            pop     bc              ; [10]
            ret                     ; [10]

            ; Process the remaining 16 bits with 32-bit arithmetic
            ; DE:HL     = sqrsum
            ; (SP):IX   = result
            ; BC        = sqrbit
_sqrGo32:   push    ix              ; [15] preserve IX
            ld      ixh, d          ; [8] move resultl into IX
            ld      ixl, e          ; [8]
            ld      d, b            ; [4] zero sqrsumh
            ld      e, b            ; [4]
            push    de              ; [11] initial resulth = 0
            ld      c, $01          ; [7] initial sqrbit
_sqrLoop32: add     hl, hl          ; [11] sqrsum * 2
            rl      e               ; [8]
            rl      d               ; [8]
            sra     a               ; [8]
            jr      nc, _nextBit32  ; [12/7]
            ; When the next bit of BC is set...
            ex      de, hl          ; [4]  sqrsuml <-> sqrsumh
            add     ix, de          ; [15] resultl += sqrsuml
            ex      de, hl          ; [4]  sqrsumh <-> sqrsuml
            ex      (sp), hl        ; [19] sqrsuml <-> resulth
            adc     hl, de          ; [15] resulth += sqrsumh
            add     hl, bc          ; [11] resulth += sqrbit
            ex      (sp), hl        ; [19] resulth <-> sqrsuml
            ex      de, hl          ; [4]  sqrsuml <-> sqrsumh
            sla     c               ; [8]  sqrbit *= 2
            rl      b               ; [8]
            add     hl, bc          ; [11] sqrsumh += sqrbit
            ex      de, hl          ; [4]  sqrsumh <-> sqrsuml
            sla     c               ; [8]  squarebit *= 2
            rl      b               ; [8]
            jp      nc, _sqrLoop32  ; [10]
            jp      _sqrDone32      ; [10]
            ; When the next bit of BC is reset...
_nextBit32: jr      z, _sqrDone32   ; [12/7]
            sla     c               ; [8] sqrbit * 4
            rl      b               ; [8]
            sla     c               ; [8]
            rl      b               ; [8]
            jp      nc, _sqrLoop32  ; [10]
_sqrDone32: ld      d, ixh          ; [8] move result into HL:DE
            ld      e, ixl          ; [8]
            pop     hl              ; [10] pop high result
            pop     ix              ; [14]
            pop     bc              ; [10]
            ret                     ; [10]
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32-bit RNG

Post by qarnos »

Here's a slow 32-bit pseudo-random number generator. It's useful if you want an RNG with a long (4 294 967 296) period, but I wouldn't be using it in any inner loops ;). You can eliminate 270 T-States by inlining the CALLs.

It's based on this algorithm attributed to D McDonnell from the SAS Institute C compiler:

Code: Select all

int rand(void)
	int r;

	r = (((((((((((lastrand << 3) - lastrand) << 3)
        + lastrand) << 1) + lastrand) << 4)
        - lastrand) << 1) - lastrand) + 0xe60)
        & 0x7fffffff;
    lastrand = r - 1;	

	return r;
This Z80 version drops the 0x7fffffff mask, since it's only point seems to be to eliminate the sign bit (since it returns a signed int). All it really does is cut the period of the RNG in half. If you want it in there, uncomment the "res 7, h" line.

Code: Select all

;  * (Rand32) - 32-bit seed value
;  * HL - High word of pseudo-random number
;  * DE - Low word of pseudo-random number
;  * (Rand32) - new 32-bit seed value
;  * F, BC
; TIMINGS: (Not including CALL)
;  * 1230 T-States

            ; Call a bunch of subroutines                               [1028]
            ld      hl, (SRand32 + $00)     ; [20]  low byte
            ld      de, (SRand32 + $02)     ; [20]  high byte
            call    _shl3_32                ; [108]
            call    _sub_32                 ; [109]
            call    _shl3_32                ; [108]
            call    _add_32                 ; [101]
            call    _shl1_32                ; [54]
            call    _add_32                 ; [101]
            call    _shl4_32                ; [135]
            call    _sub_32                 ; [109]
            call    _shl1_32                ; [54]
            call    _sub_32                 ; [109]
            ; Add $0360 to seed                                         [50]
            ld      bc, $0e60               ; [10]
            add     hl, bc                  ; [11]
            ld      bc, $0000               ; [10]
            ex      de, hl                  ; [4]   low <-> high
            adc     hl, bc                  ; [15]
            ;res     7, h                    ; [8] uncomment this if desired
            ; Store rand - 1 in Rand32 and return                       [134]
            push    hl                      ; [11]
            push    de                      ; [11]
            scf                             ; [4]
            ex      de, hl                  ; [4]
            sbc     hl, bc                  ; [15]
            ex      de, hl                  ; [4]
            sbc     hl, bc                  ; [15]
            ld      (SRand32 + $00), de     ; [20]
            ld      (SRand32 + $02), hl     ; [20]
            pop     de                      ; [10]
            pop     hl                      ; [10]
            ret                             ; [10]

            ; Subtract original seed from current value                 [109]
_sub_32:    or      a                       ; [4]
            ld      bc, (SRand32 + $00)     ; [20]
            sbc     hl, bc                  ; [15]
            ex      de, hl                  ; [4]
            ld      bc, (SRand32 + $02)     ; [20]
            sbc     hl, bc                  ; [15]
            ex      de, hl                  ; [4]
            ret                             ; [10]

            ; Add original seed to current value                        [101]
_add_32:    ld      bc, (SRand32 + $00)     ; [20]
            add     hl, bc                  ; [11]
            ex      de, hl                  ; [4]
            ld      bc, (SRand32 + $02)     ; [20]
            adc     hl, bc                  ; [15]
            ex      de, hl                  ; [4]
            ret                             ; [10]
            ; Left shift DE:HL four places                              [135]
_shl4_32:   add     hl, hl                  ; [11]
            rl      e                       ; [8]
            rl      d                       ; [8]

            ; Left shift DE:HL three places                             [108]
_shl3_32:   add     hl, hl                  ; [11]
            rl      e                       ; [8]
            rl      d                       ; [8]
            add     hl, hl                  ; [11]
            rl      e                       ; [8]
            rl      d                       ; [8]

            ; Left shift DE:HL one place                                [54]
_shl1_32:   add     hl, hl                  ; [11]
            rl      e                       ; [8]
            rl      d                       ; [8]
            ret                             ; [10]
; End of Rand32
"I don't know why a refrigerator is now involved, but put that aside for now". - Jim e on unitedti.org

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