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[TI ASM] unexpected invalid dim error

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 11:22 am
by King Harold
i ran a test on my appvar program, well, everything ok (so far only making and deleting) but when you want a size of say 2000 it errors

Code: Select all

#include ""
#define    ProgStart    $9D95
.org    ProgStart - 2
    .db    t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp
        bcall(_RclAns)		; recall Ans
        ld hl,1			; 1st element in Real List
        bcall(_GetLtoOp1)	; get element
        bcall(_ConvOp1)		; returns a as LSByte (and de as the total 16bit value)
	CP 0
	JP Z,create_var
	CP 1
	JP Z,del_var
	CP 2
	JP Z,put_int
	JP return

	bcall(_RclAns)		;rcl ans because its lost
	ld hl, 2		;2nd list element (size)
	bcall(_GetLtoOp1)	;put it in op1
	bcall(_ConvOp1)		;make it a number and put it in de
	push de			;push de because it gets destructed
	ld hl,3			;3rd list element (name)
	bcall(_GetLtoOp1)	;put it in op1
	bcall(_ConvOp1)		;make it a number and put it in de (somehow this has to make a name)
				;name generation based on de (3rd element of list) (later)
	ld hl, var_name		;testingfase namegeneration
	bcall(_Mov9ToOP1)	;put the name in hl
	bcall(_ChkFindSym)	;see if it needs to be deleted
	JR C, create_var_2	;jump if it doesnt exist
	bcall(_DelVarArc)	;delete if so
	pop hl			;pop size (was de) in hl, name is still in OP1
	bcall(_CreateAppVar)	;duhh..
	JR return
	ld hl, 2		;for deleting the name should be in the 2nd element
	bcall(_GetLtoOp1)	;2nd element to op1
	bcall(_ConvOp1)		;store the number in de
				;name generation based on de.. (need help on that)
	ld hl, var_name		;name in hl
	bcall(_Mov9ToOP1)	;name in op1
	bcall(_ChkFindSym)	;check if it exists, cant delete non-existant things
	JR C, not_found		;if not found, dont delete
	bcall(_DelVar)		;else delete
	ld a, 1			;1 in a
	bcall(_SetxxOP1)	;1 in op1
	bcall(_StoX)		;op1 in x (tell user that the appvar has (probebly) succesfully been 

	JR return
	JR return
	.db AppVarObj, "testvar "
	ld a, 0		;if the appvar has not been found, 0 to a
	bcall(_SetxxOp1)	;a to op1
	bcall(_StoX)		;op1 to x
	JR return
no jump table yet - just a test version, also no name generation yet

but why does it error? i mean: i put the size in a 16big reg and push it, aught to work

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 12:06 pm
by benryves
Where does the error occur?
Also, how big is HL when you create the app var? (Chuck a breakpoint in before the call) - I didn't think those calls will cause an error, though.

I don't think the DIM error is related to the size of the app var. I'm not too hot on the other TIOS routines you're using though, so can't comment on what it might be. I can only suggest putting in breakpoints before every bcall and running it until it shows the error.

There are some minor points on general coding style, in any case -

Those "jr return" at the end are not required. You can just "ret".

Minor, but "xor a" will set a to 0. It alters the flags, but that's not important in this case.

cp 0 \ cp 1 \ cp 2 \ ... can be optimised by using "dec a" instead. "dec a" will set the zero flag if a becomes zero, so:

Code: Select all

   CP 0 
   JP Z,create_var 
   CP 1 
   JP Z,del_var 
   CP 2 
   JP Z,put_int 
   JP return
...could be:

Code: Select all

   or a
   jr z,create_var 
   dec a
   jr z,del_var 
   dec a 
   jr z,put_int 
Note the initial "or a" instead of "cp 0" as well.

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 12:12 pm
by King Harold
thanx for optimizations, its just a test version though so i just threw some code together, as for where the error occurs: (edit in a min lol)
uhm.. how do i set breakpoints.. (im using ti 83+ flash debugger is that bad?)
also for some reason i get a duplicate label error when putting in more hten one ret

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 12:28 pm
by benryves
I can only speak for Latenite+Brass+PindurTI, in which you'd insert ".breakpoint" into your code. :|

If you swap TI-83+ Flash Debugger for PindurTI, you can use the debugger in that to set breakpoints manually too. I'm not sure about FD, though.

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 12:49 pm
by King Harold
all i have to do is dump my rom then...
pindurTI says "Error invalid file format"

i forgot to mention, values >1 and <256 work fine

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 2:25 pm
by CompWiz
what calculator are you using? You do know that PindurTI only supports 83 and 83+ roms, right?

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 2:29 pm
by King Harold
84+ and no i didnt i just thought "oh ok i'll get pindutTI then" and did so
so im testing with TI 83 flash debugger
but i still dont get how i can get an error like this
the fact that values <256 work make me think its something with a 8bits reg but it shouldnt since its hl which obviously is 16bit

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 3:17 pm
by King Harold

Code: Select all

#include ""
#define    ProgStart    $9D95
.org    ProgStart - 2
    .db    t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp
        bcall(_RclAns)		; recall Ans
        ld hl,1			; 1st element in Real List
        bcall(_GetLtoOp1)	; get element
        bcall(_ConvOp1)		; returns a as LSByte (and de as the total 16bit value)
	or a			
	JP Z,create_var		
	dec a			
	JP Z,del_var		
	dec a		
	JP Z,put_int		

	bcall(_RclAns)		;rcl ans because its lost
	ld hl, 2		;2nd list element (size)
	bcall(_GetLtoOp1)	;put it in op1
	bcall(_ConvOp1)		;make it a number and put it in de
	push de			;push de because it gets destructed
	ld hl,3			;3rd list element (name)
	bcall(_GetLtoOp1)	;put it in op1
	bcall(_ConvOp1)		;make it a number and put it in de (somehow this has to make a name)
				;name generation based on de (3rd element of list) (later)
	ld hl, var_name		;testingfase namegeneration
	bcall(_Mov9ToOP1)	;put the name in hl
	bcall(_ChkFindSym)	;see if it needs to be deleted
	JR C, create_var_2	;jump if it doesnt exist
	bcall(_DelVarArc)	;delete if so
	pop hl			;pop size (was de) in hl, name is still in OP1
	bcall(_CreateAppVar)	;duhh..
	ld hl, 2		;for deleting the name should be in the 2nd element
	bcall(_GetLtoOp1)	;2nd element to op1
	bcall(_ConvOp1)		;store the number in de
				;name generation based on de.. (need help on that)
	ld hl, var_name		;name in hl
	bcall(_Mov9ToOP1)	;name in op1
	bcall(_ChkFindSym)	;check if it exists, cant delete non-existant things
	JR C, not_found		;if not found, dont delete
	bcall(_DelVar)		;else delete
	ld a, 1			;1 in a
	bcall(_SetxxOP1)	;1 in op1
	bcall(_StoX)		;op1 in x (tell user that the appvar has (probebly) been deleted
	ret			;not made yet
	.db AppVarObj, "testvar "	;testname untill i make name generation
	xor a			;if the appvar has not been found, 0 to a
	bcall(_SetxxOp1)	;a to op1
	bcall(_StoX)		;op1 to x (0 to x)

the error now occurs when the size is LOWER then 256

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 3:47 pm
by chickendude
Whoa, I never knew that little .breakpoint tidbit. How do you use that?

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 3:51 pm
by King Harold
you just put it in right?
anyway could you plz stick to my question..?

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 6:32 pm
by threefingeredguy
Is the name null-terminated or determined by length? Also, are you sure that OP1 was not destroyed before createappvar?

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 6:48 pm
by King Harold
I dont know about the name, in the version you see there the name works but there is a size bug (which doesnt allow certain sizes)