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Re: Kerm Bashing

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:02 am
by Timendus
Sorry to bring this up once more, Vincent. But I think you'll understand why when you read my post. Feel free to lock this thread.

Posted on UTI: ... st&p=64092

[quote="Timendus"]Okay, you actually got me registering here…

Seeing that the topic has been locked at MC (I have to agree that KV is a bit lock-happy from time to time, but I think he does that to keep the peace, not to shut anyone up) and that the majority of the posts mentioned in the petition is from my hand, I thought I should respond to this nonsense.

Let me start by saying this:
I do not like Kerm
I don’t really know him as a person, but I just do not like him as a community figure, and as the mass releaser he has proven to be over the last 5 – nearly 6 – years.

That being said:

First, not liking Kerm is my opinion, and it is my right as a human being and as a user of whatever forum to have and express that opinion. If the mods of a forum think otherwise, then they have the right to delete or modify my post, but nonetheless I still have that right to express it in the first place. And no petition or any other untargeted whining from whoever can change that.

Second, if you have a problem with anything I say, I hereby invite anyone who’s willing to come to the appropriate thread at MC, and join the discussion, or to PM/e-mail me personally. The kind of behavior shown in this thread is exactly what you seem to be trying to fight, with the only difference that I openly express my opinion, and you all seem to lack the courage to point fingers. You just whine and bitch in your own little topic, feeling really sorry for Kerm because someone doesn’t like him. Damn, how old are you people? Twelve?

Third, this has nothing to do with Maxcoderz, so I’d very much appreciate it if you could all stop bitching about Maxcoderz and it’s staff, and again I urge you to at least get mad at the right people. In other words: Here I am, flame me!

Last, but certainly not least, I do however try to be as constructive as I can be, with Kerm or anyone else. If you had read the entire thread about CalcNet2 properly and unbiased, you’d have seen me doing just that. I criticize, yes. I am direct and to the point, yes. But I only “bashâ€ÂÂ

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:42 am
by threefingeredguy
I only signed the petition as an apology to Kerm, from any time I may have said something. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you should not be treated any differently from anyone else for your opinion. If they do, tell me, and together we will get them.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:47 am
by kalan_vod
Well you do have a right and I don't think that someone should be limited. So with you saying this are you going to just ignore his posts and things about him like the people against the "bashing" have suggested or you will continue to post how you feel, which is nothing wrong and very helpful. You have criticized him, but you have helped him with some issues and has he even made this "bashing" claim to be truth? i.e. he has said it was hurtful and damaging.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 1:18 am
by DarkerLine
All Kevin is suggesting is for some members of this forum to be more polite in their criticism. No names were named. There's nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but can we please let people try and move on past past mistakes (such as perhaps an overactive file submit finger)?

Finally, I'm kind of pissed that this has been turned into an UTI vs MC debate. Especially considering the number of people that are members at both forums. Anyways, MC staff is not responsible for the actions of MC members, just like UTI staff isn't responsible for the actions of UTI members (and vice versa). So let's nip that sort of thinking in the bud straight away.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 1:26 am
by Timendus
DarkerLine wrote:No names were named.
Timendus wrote:the majority of the posts mentioned in the petition is from my hand
DarkerLine wrote:Finally, I'm kind of pissed that this has been turned into an UTI vs MC thing. Especially considering the number of people that are members at both forums. Anyways, MC staff is not responsible for the actions of MC members, just like UTI staff isn't responsible for the actions of UTI members (and vice versa). So let's nip that sort of thinking in the bud straight away.
Agreed. Also, please reply on the UTI forum, as KV clearly indicated that he does not appreciate this discussion here. I only posted here as a backup, and to catch some people's attention.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 2:08 pm
by KermMartian
Thanks guys, it seems to me that you guys have gotten much more courteous lately. I'm aware some of you dislike my methods, but it's good you can be objective about it. Kudos.

United-TI wrote:Wow, this thread is incredibly long. I haven't responded to defend myself because I didn't see it. Where to start...

1. Yes, I know some people dislike my methods. With that said, chances are I won't be changing soon. I make programs, if they're good I improve them, release them, add and improve, release, repeat. Due to the number of projects I have at any given time, there's no guarantee how quickly that cycle goes.

2. VERY EARLY in my career, I released less-than-working TICI 1.0 plans/drivers/etc. It seems to me that only 5 file @ that are incorrect plans are hardly that reprehensible, especially for a n00b, and I'd be happy to clean that up if people feel so strongly about it. I have no problem making my profile look more professional

3. Screensaver consolidation: I was actually thinking of that myself this morning, since I made another two of them. I tend to doodle those screensavers when I'm trying to think of some better projects or came up with a neat gfx trick, so I'm afraid then people would start flaming me for updating the screensavers zip too often. tongue.gif

4. It seems to me, as several people stated, that far too much time is spent politicking and bashing other groups in the TI community. We are not companies, we are not rivals and competitors, we are just different groups trying to further the common good of the community. There's no reason for us to be enemies, although there's also nothing wrong with some healthy competition. I appreciate Kevin's defense of me, and I do feel Maxcoderz has been quite aggressive towards me in the past; they have gotten better lately, and I think I probably would have used different links that were much much worse to show bashing of me - there's an entire (locked) thread there on the topic.

With this said, how about we all just leave me alone to work on some worthy projects like SourceCoder2 ( ... coder2.php ), Doors CS 6, and gCn, ok? Cool. smile.gif

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 7:11 pm
by kv83
Oh come on guys. You can't be serious.

1st; I lock threads when I don't see a clear purpose or goal. Don't come with "The goal was to teach people how to communicate", cause that was certainly not the goal of the thread, if there was any at all. The only purpose that thread had, imho, was starting a discussion which wasn't needed at all. Once again, report any incidents to us, and we'll talk to the person. This works much better than a open "witch-hunt"!
2nd; A whole topic about some guys "disagreeing" on this forum in another forum? Geez, talk about productive. Talk about something 'important' for change. (this counts for both forums, MC and UTI, btw!)
3rd; If you have a problem with some mebers, report it to a mod or talk to those members personally. We are all less or more civilized people, and I believe that any matter can be resolved! We don't need a petition for this. What's next? A tv-show? Come on!!! Get real for once.

And lastly; Kevin teaching us how to communicate on a normal way? The Kevin who writes in the biggest font around and in red leters "FUCK YOU" in a thread on UTI? Man, you goota be kidding. Kevin, please grow up. You are a fine guy, but sometimes your actions are so childish that I can't hold my laugh. :roll:

Said that;

Everyone is welcomed by the MaxCoderz Staff. Unfortunatly we can't control people minds, so we can't say that all our members welcome certain members. However, if things get out of their hands, we would like to know. And 'like to know' is not 'behind our back' with a 'finger pointing' petition by some kid who cries for attention. (I would like to use this moment to say I am sorry that I thought Arcane made that petition.).

(I won't post this on the UTI forum, since I don't have an account there (anymore))

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 7:19 pm
by kalan_vod
Good points Kv, and yes I believe that we can handle this in a civilized way by talking to the person(s) about what bothers us.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 8:11 pm
by Timendus
kv83 wrote:We are all less or more civilized people, and I believe that any matter can be resolved! We don't need a petition for this. What's next? A tv-show? Come on!!! Get real for once.
Nice one :mrgreen:

Anyway, I think the discussion is pretty much over... I say we just let the topic die again.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec, 2005 11:40 pm
by lecks
Timendus wrote:
kv83 wrote:We are all less or more civilized people, and I believe that any matter can be resolved! We don't need a petition for this. What's next? A tv-show? Come on!!! Get real for once.
Nice one :mrgreen:

Anyway, I think the discussion is pretty much over... I say we just let the topic die again.
says the chicken who laid the egg

Posted: Tue 13 Dec, 2005 12:00 am
by Timendus
lecks wrote:says the chicken who laid the egg
Thank you lecks, you are really adding here... :roll:

Posted: Tue 13 Dec, 2005 12:03 am
by DarkerLine
I dare everyone to make this longer than the PindurTI topic and stay away from flames. If that happens we'll have solved all communication problems in this community.

Posted: Tue 13 Dec, 2005 12:05 am
by KermMartian
kalan_vod wrote:Good points Kv, and yes I believe that we can handle this in a civilized way by talking to the person(s) about what bothers us.
EXACTLY! I have an entire forum out there, several email addresses, and at least two screennames. Got a problem with me? PLEASE let me know! That's the only way I'm going to be able to improve, both my programming and my public relations skills.

So, what would you like to talk about? How about giving me some tips to improve without flaming?

Posted: Tue 13 Dec, 2005 12:11 am
by kalan_vod
KermMartian wrote:
kalan_vod wrote:Good points Kv, and yes I believe that we can handle this in a civilized way by talking to the person(s) about what bothers us.
EXACTLY! I have an entire forum out there, several email addresses, and at least two screennames. Got a problem with me? PLEASE let me know! That's the only way I'm going to be able to improve, both my programming and my public relations skills.

So, what would you like to talk about? How about giving me some tips to improve without flaming?
I think you are making a good start with combining all your graphic programs into one :P, but it doesn't really matter if you do or not as I see it is up to you.

Posted: Tue 13 Dec, 2005 12:12 am
by KermMartian
All my screensavers, you mean? I think I could manage that, Kevin seemed to think it was a good idea too.