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Posted: Thu 10 Aug, 2006 9:13 pm
by Erktheorc
kv83 wrote:Great to here that you're still working on this. Keep us updated! Do you know btw what will be included in the demo and what not? :)
The complete game, but with only one level which is mostly there to show what the engine is capable of. I probably also include the development tools I used to create that level with :)
Things left to do after the demo is a longer campaign (7-9 maps) and probably a few custom maps (and hopefully a complete level-development guide).

Posted: Sun 13 Aug, 2006 7:31 am
by Spengo
Sweet! This is coming along quite well. :) I'll have to spread it around the z80 users I know when it's completed.

Posted: Sun 13 Aug, 2006 8:40 pm
by kalan_vod
Spengo wrote:Sweet! This is coming along quite well. :) I'll have to spread it around the z80 users I know when it's completed.
I think most of us know, since this looks GG!

Posted: Sat 16 Sep, 2006 7:19 pm
by Erktheorc
Both the new level selection screen and the new text routine is completed. Both are much nicer than before :)
There is only some gfx to update before the demo is finished... I hope :P
Well there is the bug in the save-on-exit routine... but I probably fix that one later...

Posted: Mon 18 Sep, 2006 5:08 pm
by chickendude
Any new pictures? :)

Posted: Sun 08 Oct, 2006 11:08 pm
by Erktheorc
chickendude wrote:Any new pictures? :)
Well, some new pictures then :)


I recently changed some graphics, to the left is the old gfx and to the right is the current one (which probably is the final one).
The first two images are from the title screen where you choose which save file to load. This will only save which (and how) levels you completed, though a level might have "checkpoints" where you can continue later (it's up to the level creator).
The next one shows the new text box, I also added word wrap :) The arrow at the bottom right corner of the text box also blinks slowly ;)
The last one is the new campaign selection screen which is much easier to use since it actually tells you to choose a campaign now...

I will upload a picture of the new level selection screen as soon as I finish the background picture for that one :)

Posted: Sun 08 Oct, 2006 11:31 pm
by CompWiz
Looking great! :D I can't wait to try it out.

And I like your graphics improvements. :)

Posted: Wed 11 Oct, 2006 9:13 am
by tr1p1ea
Looks great, im loving that font for the title, its awesome! Also the new textbox looks a lot bette ... and word-wrap, thats sweetness! :D.

Posted: Wed 11 Oct, 2006 3:13 pm
by Erktheorc
Since pindurti works so well in linux (with wine) I manage to take a animated screenshot of the level selection screen (the background image will change though).
I also fixed a few bugs, it's now possible to resume a game again.
The things left to do are:
*Fix a minor word wrap bug.
*Change the background image for level selection screen.
*Fix some minor things in the demo level (like a new image for the "header" file and test the level some more ;)

Posted: Wed 11 Oct, 2006 4:01 pm
by benryves
Looks very nice. :)

Posted: Wed 11 Oct, 2006 10:24 pm
by Erktheorc
Fixed all known bugs, everything seems to work as it should. Just the gfx and some scripting left to do 8)

Posted: Thu 12 Oct, 2006 11:09 pm
by chickendude
Wow, this looks really really nice!

Posted: Wed 13 Dec, 2006 1:23 pm
by Erktheorc
I just realised that ranged units (archers & wizards) are quite useless. So I will probably change it to a system more like Fire Emblem, units of type A is more effective against units of type B and so on... This also make the controls easier since the attack button can be removed, since you then only need to move your unit near another to attack. The AI will probably be a bit better too.
So right now I will try to fix the last few bugs and release the current version of the game so you can try it out for your self before I change it :)

The beta/demo level is now complete. There is though a few bugs, but I don't really have enough motivation to fix them since they are quite hard to find (and none of them will crash the game).
I will test the game a few more days, and also see if I can make a small manual and then release the demo :) So yes the demo should be out next week ;)

Posted: Wed 13 Dec, 2006 8:23 pm
by jimmothy
man this game sounds cool. But i have one question, when i relooked over the screenshot it says pick a campaign, Does this mean that you can change what "class"/"unit type" your char will be in the game? that would be so cool.

Posted: Wed 13 Dec, 2006 10:23 pm
by Erktheorc
Right now the engine supports 10 different unit types per level (5 player controlled and 5 computer controlled). Each one can have a different attack type, attack power and speed. Also, each level has it's own graphics :)
So a campaign can have many levels with different units in each one.
Units can't level though, but it's possible to change attack type, speed or attack power in a level.

It's the attack type I want to change in the next version, right now it has two different types: ranged or melee. I want to change it into three types instead, which can be defined by the level creator. So that the ranged units don't have larger range on the map but instead might be more powerful against another weapon/attack type. This will not be in the beta though since that level is already complete.

I will also include the source file (xml) to the level so you may check it if you want to see how the level was created (more information about level creation later ;)

My level compiler still hates me :/ So I made it output binaries instead of .83p/.8xp files and used wabbitsign instead... The files should hopefully work fine when I upload them tomorrow...