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Posted: Sat 27 Oct, 2007 9:13 pm
by thecheat
LOL, I can't wait to see if we can get 30 pages in two days again!

interesting though that when they try to carbon date certain things, like (if I'm remembering the animal right) scallops, (freshly killed) you get a few million years old. right...

The problem with carbon dating is that you must know the carbon levels to date the material! for us this is a HUGE extrapolation, which honestly shouldn't even be considered by the scientific mind.


......................................................................... if I stop at this point, what do you think the next character after that line of dots would be? extrapolation says it'd be a .


if you see those last two dots, and the whole line needs to be filled with the proper characters, would you bet even a dollar that it was going to be filled with .'s ?

Re: Al Gore and his peace prize. *this might get monkey*

Posted: Sat 27 Oct, 2007 9:52 pm
by blueskies
133794m3r wrote:
blueskies wrote: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh man, you just made my day with your ignorance. Thanks! :D
So yeah I don't see why you're saying that I'm ignorant. I've checked out all of this. He flip-flops, he's dumb so he can't know what he's saying.
I don't give a shit about your 'facts' and how much you checked them. I was laughing hysterically because of what I originally quoted, which I will quote again for those who don't want to go back to post 1.
133794m3r wrote:I don't care if he graduated from an IVY league school in his past. It's the present.
Discrediting someone's opinions because they aren't a fresh graduate from college is the dumbest thing I can imagine. :roll:

Posted: Sat 27 Oct, 2007 10:22 pm
by DJ_O
true that, it's total ignorance (or failed attempt at trolling?). Oh and I don't believe the 12/21/12 thing, I think it's too much based on ppl beliefs and religion-ish stuff to be exact. Earth could rot next winter like it could rot in 2099. All will depend of how people behave in the world (wars, pollution, etc)

HERE IS what will happen 'til Dec 21th 2012:

-People will sit down to play with their Nintendo Wii
-They will buy smaller DDR pad so they can also play this game sat down
-McDonald's will become canadian
-With all chemical stuff they put in foods we will have all sort of animals colors, like green pigs and purple seaguls so everyone will be like if they're on drugs
-TI will release the Voyage 400 but it will have a protection against sending games to it
-And worse of all, Bill Nagel will come back to release dozens of BASIC games that will have no readmes and screenshots, with the help of Jimmy Mardell

I'Ve read this entire topic, I think I'll go watch American Idol now

Posted: Sun 28 Oct, 2007 12:29 am
by Homestar
@ King Harold, It's the idea of Pangea, if it existed, the flood could have separated the plates (or broken the origional whole), arranging them like they are today.

Posted: Sun 28 Oct, 2007 4:07 am
by dysfunction
thecheat wrote:LOL, I can't wait to see if we can get 30 pages in two days again!

interesting though that when they try to carbon date certain things, like (if I'm remembering the animal right) scallops, (freshly killed) you get a few million years old. right...
Only under certain conditions (for instance from the shells absorbing bits of ancient minerals in the water), and with certain materials that are more easily contaminated with these minerals than others (such as the shells of mollusks) and this is usually detectable.
The problem with carbon dating is that you must know the carbon levels to date the material! for us this is a HUGE extrapolation, which honestly shouldn't even be considered by the scientific mind.
That simply isn't true. Do you even understand the physics involved? The only assumption generally involved is that the quantity of the daughter isotope initially present is zero. This assumption is occasionally wrong, but as with the mollusk shells, there are generally clues that tell us if the assumption is wrong and we need to correct for other variables.

Posted: Sun 28 Oct, 2007 9:01 am
by King Harold
C14, as all relatively stable radioactive isotopes, decays completely predictably, at least averagely (not on a per-atom base)

The amount of C14 simply lessens exponentially over time, so if you can measure the current amount of radiation (which can be done quite accurately) and the amount of carbon, you can easily calculate the age. So easily in fact, that it is something I learned to do in physics at highschool (as would almost everyone who did N&T on VWO level in the netherlands)
For details, you can look here: ... _and_dates

@Homestar, well I have nothing against pangea, but maybe you should read a bit about what earth looks like inside.. A flood no matter how big could not possible create tectonic plates (neither by splitting existing ones, nor otherwise). You know what would happen if the the sea level became 1km high now? Well nothing, ok lots of people would die, but nothing as serious as splitting tectonic plates. The water would press just as hard everywhere because it's a fluid. Now if you were to, say, throw the moon at the earth.. then you might split a tectonic plate or two, but no one is going to survive something like that anyway.

@planets that line up: really nothing would happen, except abnormally extreme tides. The influence of any planet besides Jupiter and Mars on Earth is negligible. You can calculate so yourself. Gravitational force drops quadratically with distance, look up the distance to the sun and the weight of all planets, calculate minimum distance to earth, calculate effective gravitational force: weight / (distance squared). The planets are actually quite small compared to the distance between them, the sun's gravitational force on the earth is actually bigger than Mars' because the sun is huge compared to any planet, and this is good, because otherwise planets would fall out of orbit any time they'd line up with an other planet (which happens very often)

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 12:34 am
by 133794m3r
Also the magnetic poles will change. The earth's axis will change. Ok yeah whatever. Idk how that's funny b whtvr. I guess it is. He's still dumb. I was just saying for anyone who would try to use that. You can still graduate IVY league and turn into an idiot.

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 12:35 am
by 133794m3r
Also I'm glad to see that Kevin lied. He said this forum was much more up tight and less swearing and much more formal. I guess he lied. Oh well.

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 1:17 am
by JoostinOnline
I sure am glad you follow the no double-posting rule, :roll:

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 1:36 am
by DJ_O
1337: Could u quote exactly where I said that? I don't remember saying this anywhere, unless you completly misphrased it

you seems to be trying more to start a fight here than anything else, like in the Pokemon topic on

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 10:43 pm
by driesguldolf
DJ Omnimaga wrote:1337: Could u quote exactly where I said that? I don't remember saying this anywhere, unless you completly misphrased it

you seems to be trying more to start a fight here than anything else, like in the Pokemon topic on
Hey, DJ Omnimaga (you are Kevin, right?) sometimes I get the feeling you get upset rather fast (which is probabely not so abnormal after reading your other post (and stopped when I was half way through... :mrgreen:))
But I think phrases like "you seems to be trying more to start a fight here than anything else, like in the Pokemon topic on" are not going to prevent 133794m3r from starting a fight (and might even induce one).

But on the other hand, 133794m3r, when I post I always assume others never try to hurt (or lie) on purpose (thinking otherwise will never enhance your relationship with others on this forum (or generally in life)) though the drawback is that you don't see it coming when people do lie (or hurt) on purpose...

Though JoostinOnline's comment pwns all other comments :D
133794m3r wrote:He said this forum was much more up tight and less swearing and much more formal. I guess he lied. Oh well.
Frankly, the only one I've seen being rude to other forum members is you...
Though I may have missed others doing so!

Now what was the subject again? 8)
Al Gore and his peace prize?
To tell the truth, I don't care who gets which prize for what... That'll most likely change when I would be nominated for one :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri 02 Nov, 2007 2:22 am
by thecheat
lol, it's too bad the "peace prizes" have become nothing more then worthless political bribery... I think they originally had a purpose, but with the recent choices, you've got to wonder about the judges prejudices and bias...

This person saved 1,000,000 people

This man uses global warming to further his corrupt agenda and scare little kids into submission, and rich people into being taxed even more. No known helpful contribution.

So obviously it goes to the second person? what're they thinking?

Posted: Fri 02 Nov, 2007 4:25 am
by DJ_O
driesguldolf wrote:
DJ Omnimaga wrote:1337: Could u quote exactly where I said that? I don't remember saying this anywhere, unless you completly misphrased it

you seems to be trying more to start a fight here than anything else, like in the Pokemon topic on
Hey, DJ Omnimaga (you are Kevin, right?) sometimes I get the feeling you get upset rather fast (which is probabely not so abnormal after reading your other post (and stopped when I was half way through... :mrgreen:))
But I think phrases like "you seems to be trying more to start a fight here than anything else, like in the Pokemon topic on" are not going to prevent 133794m3r from starting a fight (and might even induce one).

But on the other hand, 133794m3r, when I post I always assume others never try to hurt (or lie) on purpose (thinking otherwise will never enhance your relationship with others on this forum (or generally in life)) though the drawback is that you don't see it coming when people do lie (or hurt) on purpose...

Though JoostinOnline's comment pwns all other comments :D
133794m3r wrote:He said this forum was much more up tight and less swearing and much more formal. I guess he lied. Oh well.
Frankly, the only one I've seen being rude to other forum members is you...
Though I may have missed others doing so!

Now what was the subject again? 8)
Al Gore and his peace prize?
To tell the truth, I don't care who gets which prize for what... That'll most likely change when I would be nominated for one :mrgreen:
Yeah I am Kevin. Yeah I know I tend to get upset fast, but it is explained in my other post you are talking about (assuming you meant this one?). However here I went upset fast because 1337h4k0r bashed people on calcgames, apologised, then did it again in the exact same post where he apologised. Afterward he finally stopped but then he joined this board and seems to be starting again, altough not as worse as in the Pokémon topic on calcgames

That said I hope he stops because I'm not going to leave the forum because of him.

Posted: Fri 07 Dec, 2007 7:28 pm
by leofox
Guys.. the bible is just a book. It's been translated a couple of times, and it's about 2000 years old (let alone the old testament).
The bible has some useful moral lessons in there, but you cannot read everything in it as fact! Regardless of being religious or not.

Posted: Fri 07 Dec, 2007 8:16 pm
by King Harold
Useful moral lessons?
One only needs to look at to learn(or confirm the suspicion) that the bible is not so morally-correct after all..