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Posted: Thu 01 Feb, 2007 1:28 am
by bfr
I agree with kalan_vod (and tifreak8x).

This will be completely awesome when it is finished. :)

Posted: Thu 01 Feb, 2007 7:20 pm
by tifreak8x ...

Here is an updated Pokedex program. Run them on your calc and see what you think. :)

Posted: Thu 01 Feb, 2007 7:41 pm
by tr1p1ea

Awesome -- POKEDEX ........

This is great .. i havent been this excited over a calc program inages :D

Posted: Fri 02 Feb, 2007 2:53 am
by tifreak8x

I actually messed up though... :/

redownload, via ...

I forgot to set two variables when it draws... -.-

Posted: Fri 02 Feb, 2007 9:46 pm
by thegamefreak0134
Wow. Even on my 84+SE, this has a very decent speed compared with the previous version. Also, it appears that you are now beginning to draw at the top of the image, which makes sense I suppose, and I don't think the older version I have does this. (You have to wait a bit before the shorter pokemon draw.) This is some nice stuff. I could definately stand to wait for these images in battle. Of course, I could also see the option of turning them off, as no matter what they will be just a bit slow.

Nice work. If I can improve on it at all, I will, but I think you have basically everything covered here.



I made the tiny optimizations to the engine as I noted earlier, and it appears to still work fine with them, so you might want to go ahead and throw them in.

Also, I have a question. You seem to have several "arrow" characters in your program that aren't normally accessible through BASIC programming on the calculator. (ie, the interpreter interprets them fine, you just have to use a PC editor.) Can you tell me which program you used to get said characters? They would really make my text engine look a lot better. Well, scratch that, a lot smaller. (displaying text will always be easier than drawing lines for me.)

Anywho, I am going to release some basic demos of my battle system before I finalize on the asm versions (so it's easier to mod and debug) and you may be interested in the source from them. I'll let you know when I have something up, I only just recently got my calc back.


Posted: Sat 03 Feb, 2007 7:19 pm
by tifreak8x ... 38404.html

That will get the characters not normally available.

Also, I will put the optimization in, I think it was my 84+ that was messed up, as when it communicates with TI-Connect, it shows programs in RAM as if they are in Archive... :/

And I definitely look forward to your betas. ;) I will be working on the scrolling map here soon...


Oh, and thanks for the compliment. ;)

What do you think of the scrolling menu on the calc itself? More impressive than in the screenshot, eh? :D

Posted: Sun 04 Feb, 2007 7:16 am
by thegamefreak0134
Very much so. Much smoother than any of my attemps anyway. And the ability to page flip was quite handy. Now if only I could actually catch a mew... I still need to get it's image and convert it down to greyscale. No I don't need the image, I have a version of Leaf Green that I am using on real hardware (and transferring save-games to comp to rip sprites) to actually catch every creature I am studying. On Leaf Greed (and fire red) I believe it's actually possible to catch a Mew in a certain area, so just give me time to do it.

I am starting work on the battle engine this week. I plan to have something at least functional by the end of the week. I will not be putting images or animations or cute stuff into the BASIC version, only getting my formulas right and my general engine going. Actually, the most difficult move in the entire game will be the substiture move Mr. Mime (and a few others I believe) has. That and the damage done by counter.

By the way, I do intend this to be a "true" port. The battle engine itself has a couple of glitches, mainly with moves not working like they should. I intend to keep these glitches as they appeared in the Red and Blue versions, and not fix them until (and if) I extend the engine to cover the Gold, Silver, and Crystal series as well. Oh, and provided I do in fact release Red and Blue, I intend to work on a release of Yellow (including pikachu following you around and the extra trainers and such) so the original generation is complete.

How does this all concern you? Well, I need to know where and how you wil be storing your pokemon data. If we intend to let the games trade between the two, I will need this so my APP can accept list data over the link port and do... oh wait... Well, I'm not quite sure how this will work afterall... The APP to APP thing will be easy, but it might only be possible to trade between BASIC and BASIC easilly... Oh, so of course.

I will create (with my version) a trader of sorts in BASIC, with an ASM helper. This program, when run on an APP, will read (using the helper) the info in my AppVar savegame, create the lists of the party pokemon data in your format, and then communicate with your linker after the transfer. It will only send the "trade complete" message to your end when the data has been written back to the AppVar, in order to try to prevent cheating and such. So I need your data formatting to know how to format the lists, and I will need to get together with you at some point to understand your link protocol so my program can communicate with it. (BASIC protocol is rather simple and straightforward, but it's weird.) Also, we need to make sure that we both have close enough to the same data stored, so this trade is actually compatible. I can handle losing nicknames, that doesn't bother me, but the battle stat things (like StatEXP, DVs, etc) have got to stay, or it offers an odd advantage of being able to "reset" those to random values.

I type too much.


Posted: Sun 04 Feb, 2007 3:12 pm
by tifreak8x
lol, not at all. ;)

As to the pokemon data, I will try to get that as the next thing that is permanently set up.

As to my linking protocol... :rolleyes: I dont have one as of yet. That might require an asm program, I might see if one of our esteemed asm programmers could make one for me that would be specific for the lists, etc.

Posted: Mon 05 Feb, 2007 5:53 am
by thegamefreak0134
Nah, you don't need an asm program at all. I'll have to play around with it again, but linking is quite possible indeed in BASIC. Put simply, the program has to be paused to recieve (or gat, I can't remember) data. However, when a data transfer in this manner is complete, the calculator un-pauses automatically. In this way, the calc can recieve a bunch of data, then recieve a "command" telling it that data is done. It then checks the data against a checksum (who would've thunk one of those could be useful in BASIC eh?) and if valid, confirms with another "command" to the other calc (which after the transfer had switched into a mode waiting for this comfirmation) and if all of this goes well, the process is reversed for the other switch.

What you might could do with this is have a "linking" phase that transfers the entire party of both calcs (and thus gets the icky details out first) and then the actual "trading" is simply a matter of sending which ones to switch out, finalizing, and saving.

I know I've gotten linking in this manner to work before. Tell you what: I'll work on a protocol, so you can focus on your engine. I need to have one anyway, just because. I'll post back with results, because I think some different calculators have slight bugs in the protocol. I will check every possible thing I can think of.


Posted: Mon 05 Feb, 2007 4:19 pm
by tifreak8x

In the mean time, though, I will concern myself with getting the ability to get your first pokemon, be able to catch them, etc done before I worry about linking. :)

Posted: Mon 05 Feb, 2007 4:42 pm
by thegamefreak0134
That's what I meant by:
I'll work on a protocol, so you can focus on your engine.
^_^ Don't worry, I like working on little details like this. It gives me great joy.

Work on my text engine (which will basically control most of my game, believe it or not) is going quite well, so expect a nice demo of it soon.


Posted: Mon 05 Feb, 2007 5:45 pm
by tifreak8x
Oh, sweet!! ^_^

Thanks for lookin at a linking protocol, that was probably going to be the last thing I was going to do... :P Can't wait to see what your demo looks like. :)

Posted: Fri 02 Mar, 2007 1:49 pm
by tifreak8x
I spent some time yesterday, going through the programs for Pokemon, and writing down on paper how each program called to eachother, and what the values were for the while loops in each program.

With this information now on paper, I can finally integrate and test the Pokedex system into the rest of the game.

My next step is to work on the rest of the pokemon data; the equations, the lists, and the pokemon party menu.

Posted: Fri 02 Mar, 2007 8:11 pm
by DigiTan
tifreak8x wrote:My next step is to work on the rest of the pokemon data; the equations
A job for Excel? 8)

Posted: Fri 02 Mar, 2007 8:16 pm
by tifreak8x
Well, I already have the base stats programmed in, now I just need to set up all the lists (gunna be a MAJOR pain) and all the equations so the correct values are put in to the list.