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Posted: Mon 13 Nov, 2006 10:12 am
by leofox
If it's really finished, i'd like to make it implementable in other games. Fully customisable, an engine like this would be great in any game, from chopper to sonic.

Posted: Tue 28 Nov, 2006 7:53 pm
by leofox
Friction almost works, i made a mistake though in using the speed (My speed was in m (pixels)/iteration, though it has to be m/s. The former is much smaller so it didnt work out right.. It'd be easy to fix tho).

The frontend is almost finished, i'm puzzled about how to transfer the input from the basic to the asm tho. I can load the list input in Op1, but I can only convert it to a nr<10000 using ConvOp1. I guess i have to do some creative precalculation..

At the moment the code is very flexible, so implementations (like a scrolling map instead of a moving sprite) in games would be easy.. but first get the general sim working.

There's not much to see in the screenies, except that it falls and stuff. It's not really an eye candy project. So i wont post now.

I;m currently doing documentation like mad. It's a school project, so making a nice bit of paper with what i did is most of the work (helps making the code more structured though)

Posted: Thu 14 Dec, 2006 3:01 pm
by leofox

It's pretty much finished. It's only 1135 bytes (most of that space is math routines), uses NO romcalls at all (so it should be compatible with whatever shady OS some of you guys might make someday) and is VERY editable. The values like gravitation force and start velocity can be directly edited, and it's neatly sorted in .inc files, determined by function. For example, editing to allow jumping and running by putting a speed somewhere should make a very basic platformer. Add a tilemap in and a collision detect in and tadaa!

The downside is that it's currently skipping 40 frames until it draws.. That can be made less by editing the timechange, but it also drops precision that way. So yeah.. that kinda sucks.

Posted: Fri 15 Dec, 2006 12:59 am
by Madskillz
looks great leo! Heck of a job mate!

Posted: Thu 04 Jan, 2007 10:21 pm
by leofox
I'm working on a Sonic-like game now, mainly to test implementation in real games. The controls are far from perfect at the moment, but there are a lot of settings that have to be tweaked. I still gotta do a lot, for example collision detection with tiles, and proper changing of the fox character sprite, but it's a start.

picture removed because of server problems

Posted: Fri 05 Jan, 2007 3:40 pm
by kv83
Looks really nice. He seems somhow to float a little to long though (or is that just me). Keep us updated man!

Posted: Sat 06 Jan, 2007 3:44 am
by KermMartian
Wow, sweet deal! Realistic physics on a calculator is quite a feat...

Posted: Sat 06 Jan, 2007 10:59 am
by tr1p1ea
Impressive! A physics lib for Asm games would be pretty sweet, and it would save some people a bit of time too. Once you get things like object handling and collisions sorted, you could make some really interesting demos :).

Posted: Sun 07 Jan, 2007 3:51 am
by elfprince13
have you offered the sonic team the use of this?

Posted: Sun 07 Jan, 2007 8:30 am
by tr1p1ea
I believe the sonic team already have sonic-like physics covered ... seen some nice demos from them too :).

Posted: Mon 08 Jan, 2007 1:06 pm
by leofox
kv83 wrote:Looks really nice. He seems somhow to float a little to long though (or is that just me). Keep us updated man!
I never said it had to be 'earth' physically correct. That screenshot has an air friction of ZOMG way too much, because it allows you to move with the same force in the air as on the ground. I wouldn't want to allow it to jump too far and stuff.
I'm going to make the moving force while in the air a lot less or nothing at all.

Digitan has made his own physics engine for the sonic game, that is better in the sense that it has proper collision, sloped tracks and multiple objects. In other words, it's a lot more finished. However, as far as I know my engine is a bit more precise and a lot more customisable. I would consider his engine more fit for Sonic at the moment.

I'm trying to make my own game with this, that will be not Sonic but kinda like it. Maybe Psycho Fox?
It's currently codenamed "project Leo the Fox" after Sonic the Hedgehog. The sprites are heavily based on UTI's project Sonic, and the character sprite is based on Tails.

Posted: Tue 09 Jan, 2007 8:26 am
by elfprince13
tr1p1ea wrote:I believe the sonic team already have sonic-like physics covered ... seen some nice demos from them too :).
I knew they had one but they always seemed to be having one problem or another with it, looks like its in a better state then I thought though.