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Posted: Tue 28 Feb, 2006 1:50 am
by katmaster
Looks great!!! So how exactly do you work AI in basic? I kinda need something for Bomberman 83+....

Posted: Tue 28 Feb, 2006 2:41 am
by crzyrbl
katmaster wrote:Looks great!!! So how exactly do you work AI in basic? I kinda need something for Bomberman 83+....
I use List 4 to store enemy/ies info. L4(1) is the num of enemies left
L4(2-8 ) is stuff like the enemy's hp, or status
i can add more enemies by adding them to L4(9-15) then L4(16-20) etc. and inceasing L4(1) by one each time
every time it circles though the main loop, i cycle P to the next num, not going over L4(1)
Then i just run the AI corresponding to what P is at that time.
im not that great at explaining :x

btw, how can i quickly convert a number to a string?

Posted: Sun 05 Mar, 2006 6:35 pm
by crzyrbl
This is the last (i swear it this time) weapon i made. It's the bombos medallion from A Link To The Past. All on screen explosions now rumble the screen.

the beginning is messed up cause i entered in the wrong combo. the other random pauses are the spots where i enter in the combo.


Bombos medallion combos:
If your facing ^ for ex, ^ < > ^ or ^ > < ^ will make a cone shaped AoE

if your facing > for ex, > < > > will attack enemies in a line.

no matter where you facing, you can press < ^ > v for the nova AoE

(AoE == Area of Effect)

Its a little slow on the 83, but on the 83+/84/84+ its much better. It wont be that big a deal however because it wont be used alot because of the magic it takes to cast. also, this weapon will be bought, NOT found in a dungeon, which makes it even more optional.

Posted: Sun 05 Mar, 2006 7:48 pm
by kalan_vod
Looks really nice, and I like the rumble effect :D. Btw you mean this will work with the 83? Umm, your using the app right? That means it is only 83+/SE/84+/SE. Anyways it sounds awsome, and being only buyable sounds really neat.

Posted: Sun 05 Mar, 2006 8:40 pm
by gangsta
the regular means +. the + means SE

Posted: Wed 12 Apr, 2006 9:02 pm
by crzyrbl
I havent had a lot of time (expect for the time ive wasted of course), but this still is definately not dead. I have just put the finishing touches on a system that keeps track of all the opened chests, keys found, doors unlocked, etc.

btw, I meant it was slow on the 83+, because it will not be avaliable for the 83.

Posted: Wed 12 Apr, 2006 9:25 pm
by lecks
looks great. can you post some new screens?

Posted: Thu 13 Apr, 2006 10:58 am
by Larz Olfen
is this still only 18% complete, or have you just not updated ur signature?

Posted: Thu 13 Apr, 2006 10:38 pm
by lecks
how do people know how much they have left to make?

Posted: Fri 14 Apr, 2006 3:06 am
by kalan_vod
What they have planned, and it's just a estimate.

Posted: Fri 14 Apr, 2006 3:08 am
by lloydkirk1989
Nice work crzyrbl. Realy slick graphics.

Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 1:36 am
by lecks
the bombos medallion was my favorite weapon from a link to the past. and that cape that made you invisible.

Posted: Thu 27 Apr, 2006 12:21 am
by crzyrbl
keys and doors now work flawlessly. First lvl will be pretty much done after i design the boss. expect a screenie soon.

Posted: Thu 27 Apr, 2006 1:54 am
by kalan_vod
Great, more torture to come!

*kalan can't wait*

Posted: Thu 27 Apr, 2006 10:24 pm
by T0RM3N7
I'm so excited!...
And I just can't hide it!

awesome man!