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Posted: Tue 16 Oct, 2007 2:04 am
by DigiTan
Homestar wrote:This is Nintendo's big game, and because of it's delay it's just one thing that will be used against Nintendo's reputation. It's a "if Nintendo can't control its biggest game, how will it be able to control the smaller ones?" kind of scenario.
Good point. It's just frustrating that critics aren't putting that much thought into it. They just want something for nothing.

I don't really buy into the "they had six years to make it" thinking. Melee came out at the start the Gamecube cycle in 2001. But that cycle didn't end until 2006. What were they supposed to do? Barf out a second Gamecube version that would be gone in a year or two? That just doesn't live up to the Smash Bros legacy. No, more likely it's only been 3 years tops. Starting when the Wii Development Kit was finalized in '04.

Of course, they will miss the Christmas season. Perhaps avoiding the GT5 launch date will soften the blow. I'm betting they've got one more huge suprise in store to make up for it. (C'mon, MC!)

Posted: Wed 17 Oct, 2007 2:20 am
by Homestar
DigiTan wrote: I'm betting they've got one more huge suprise in store to make up for it. (C'mon, MC!)
Mabye a decent Virtual Console game (as we haven't had one since super metroid a like 3 months ago) :P

Actually that would be hilarious... If they released the origional SSB for the Virtual Console on December 3rd just to make up for it :mrgreen: And even tacked on Wiimote controls just for laughs :lol:

Posted: Mon 29 Oct, 2007 12:08 pm
by thegamefreak0134
I'm personally planning on buying a Wii this week primarily so I can avoid the holiday rush on Wii (if there is one again) and then snag this game in Feb.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally appreciate the team taking the extra time to work out the kinks in their game. I don't know if you've noticed, but since they pushed the date back, they've added a number of smaller Wifi features. It seems like they are attempting to polish their Wifi support at the moment, which I would imagine can only be done at the end of such a project when the actual fighting engine is finalized. But that's just me coming from a game theory class or two.

I love the update for today. Finally, the WiiConnect24 feature is going to be put to good use. Stages and Snapshots will randomly (once a day, it appears) show up on your system to play, and then randomly be replaced everyday with something new. Plus, the stage editor looks great. It's not perfect, but I've seen a lot of level editors fail in a lot of games, and this one looks like it has enough solid material to stay interesting for a long time.

The only thing I would really like them to add to the game at this point is some kind of an online ranking system, even if it's something similar to MarioKart DS. I want to know how well I stand up against the world in the long run, I actually want to be able to worry about my random battles with online foes. But that's just me.

Oh, and don't rule out any characters just because they are unannounced. Many unannounced characters will very likely exist as unlockables. I am 99.9% percent positive this is why we have not yet seen signs of Luigi, because he was an unlockable in both original versions, and it is tradition to keep him that way. This also probably means that Jigglypuff and Ness are back. I do hope they haven't gone and replaced Ness with Lucas, as I'm not terribly taken to him. Still, I haven't seen him in action.

The only thing that really saddens me at this point may end up being the target test stages. The english description is a bit... odd about the description there. Either there are 5 stages total, or there are 5 stages for each character. Personally, I'm hoping for many different stages (5 per character) because this was always one of my favorite modes. However, I think that the end result will be only 5 stages, with the ability to play on each stage with any character, meaning that the unique solutions to target tests (with required special abilities by that character) will be non-existent.

I'm looking forward to Sonic as a character, but I don't see him as one of my best because I'm not great with really fast characters. I'm hoping that Marth and Falco still exist, as they are my two best, although I'll give that Marth was a bit un-balanced in Melee. I'm also hoping that they make kirby just the slightest bit less sucky, as he lost a lot of his appeal in Melee. As for a random include (that's not there already) I wouldn't mind seeing Geno. Goodness knows we need more projectiles flying around. ^_^ That's just me though. And I don't expect any more really shocking character selections, I think they've quite outdone themselves already.

</rant after reading 9 pages in one sitting>


PS: It was quite funny, to come and read this all starting at the beginning, already knowing Sonic was a playable character. Funny indeed. <(^_^)>

Posted: Mon 29 Oct, 2007 7:27 pm
by Super Speler
Wow, now you can make your own levels! That's gonna be so much fun.

Posted: Mon 29 Oct, 2007 8:40 pm
by Homestar
I'm looking forward to the "Stage of the Day" idea. I just hope the level editor has plenty of variety and potential.

What if there were holiday events and/or items, characters, assist trophies. Wouldn't that be cool. SSBB could even become it's own world.

I'm getting geek shivers down my spine already :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed 31 Oct, 2007 11:32 pm
by tr1p1ea
They are ripping off all my ideas! j/k :P.

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 1:34 am
by DJ_O
post removed

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 3:19 am
by DigiTan
Well, I said if Sonic was included in Brawl, I'd buy a Wii!


Personally, I've never played the Wii before. Not outside Best Buy or Walmart were I normally have to strongarm kids away from the controller. First off, let me say this thing is still hard to find. I set out Saturday morning looking for one. After driving to Walmart, Gamestop, Fry Electronics, and Target my friend called and we decided to divide and conquer. He would call ahead to every place he knew, and I'd cover the rest. He found a Gamestop at the mall that still had one new unit, so naturally I did a 180 and According to the clerk, they run out in 2 to 3 days. :insane:

Second, I wanna point out this thing is small. Just look at it! It's about 1 calculator wide, 2 calculators tall, and 1 ¼ calculators long. Hmmm...Wii measuring. Am I trying to compensate for something?

So anyway, I got Wii Sport (the pack-in title), and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. Next to Smash, it's the craziest party game ever! Like Wii Sport, you really have to get up off the couch to play this one. The Wii remote is really accurate too--sensitive enough to even pick up hand jitter.

To Do List:
* Get a Wii web adapter
* Check out Twilight Princess
* Pre-order Smash!

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 1:17 pm
by thecheat
LOL... measurements in calculators...

should be the new standard! meters are lame anyways...

so your Wii is 1Ti long, 2Ti tall, and 1.25Ti wide. LOL

PS: hmm... a calculator is about a hand's length... maybe they should measure horses by using calculators instead, since they're much more consistent...

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 7:40 pm
by Super Speler
I'm gonna get one of these before SSBB comes out (I'm holding out just in case the price goes down or I can get a used one between now and then).

Posted: Thu 01 Nov, 2007 10:01 pm
by JoostinOnline
Twilight Princess is amazing! I have had it for a year, but I lost it and found it about a month ago.

Btw, I love all the pieces of stuff in the background. It proves your geekhood ;) . I still have tons of stuff I need to put back together sitting in my room.

Posted: Fri 02 Nov, 2007 1:11 am
by blueskies
You Wii owners should check out Super Mario Galaxy too. It's super fun!

My other new favorite game is Zack and Wiki. It's a reduced price game ($40 here for some reason) but it is a lot of fun. It's kind of a point & click action puzzler (if that makes any sense)

Posted: Fri 02 Nov, 2007 4:39 am
by DJ_O
post removed

Posted: Fri 02 Nov, 2007 4:25 pm
by Homestar

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
is one that comes out in the near future. From what I've heard and seen it's really good.

Posted: Mon 05 Nov, 2007 8:00 am
by thegamefreak0134
Wow, speaking of fire emblem, guess what today's update is. ^_^

Not to put anything up against nintendo's quality guidelines, but, well, *ahem* THEY HAVE A TYPO! THEY HAVE A TYPO! HAHAHAHAHA *cough* Sorry, seem to have lost my composure there a little. It's under Fox's Misfortune in the American English version. Quite funny, I think. It's not the first time though. ^_^

I love the video too. Fox vs Legendary Pokemon = Fox wins. It's great. ^_^
