The End has finally come - TI removes ASM support

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The End has finally come - TI removes ASM support

Post by tr1p1ea »

It is a sad day for the community as officially TI has removed support for ASM in its TI-83/4 CE line of calculators.

In other words - DO NOT UPGRADE TO 5.5!

It has been a fantastic couple of decades however with TI now looking to shut down our communities some will move to greener pastures and others will just stop developing all together.

I still have like 20 projects that I didn't finish lol ... ahh well.

I will continue to fight the good fight however.

Thank you MaxCoderz!
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Re: The End has finally come - TI removes ASM support

Post by DJ_O »

If one day I ever program again, I would probably not mind releasing one more game for the CE. After all, I released Opossum Massage Simulator for the CSE one year after being discontinued. But I'd be more inclined to give HP Prime PPL language another try or learn C.Basic for the Casio fx-CG10/20/50.

Hopefully Casio and HP don't lock their calc down like TI did... although at least HP's on-calc language is a very decent alternative to C and ASM.
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Re: The End has finally come - TI removes ASM support

Post by chickendude »

That's crazy! I am in the same boat, still have probably a dozen unfinished projects... Thanks for the warning, i hadn't heard about this!

EDIT: though my projects are pretty much all for b/w calcs ;)
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