Please do not discuss in this topic. If you feel to discuss an entry, have a question or anything else open a new topic. This topic should only have this starting post, the entries and the result. All other posts will deleted. If you have question or want to discuss the entries, go to this thread.
Simple. You'll get an array of numbers. Your task is now to sort that array from low to high (e.g.: 0,1,2,3....) without using a second array or any other thing. Or in other words, you may only use the registers af, bc, de, hl, ix and the array given. You may use the stack.
This is the array:
Code: Select all
.db 15,3,12,0,4,6,7,15,255
Your routine should meet the following conditions:
- The routine may only use a, bc, de, hl, ix and the array given. The stack may be used aswell.
- Signed and unsigned numbers are not required to be supported, but may.
- SMC is allowed.
- The routine should be able to handle different sizes of arrays.
- The routine should be well documented.
- You should state how much size your routine needs.
- The routine should be in z80 for the TI-83(+) series.
You have 4 weeks time. Until 26th of July.
===How to particpate?===
Just post your source in here if you are finished. A sample program is welcome but not required. If you update your routine, you have to edit your post, instead of posting it again. The smallest routine wins (or someone comes up with a fair system to judge both).
===Current list===
15 Bytes - CoBB - swap'n'start sort
18 Bytes - Jim e - 'PHEAR MY OPTIMISING SKILLZ' sort
23 Bytes - Sigma - QBFS sort
31 Bytes - tr1p1ea - bubble sort
===Winner ===
15 Bytes - CoBB - swap'n'start sort
===Change log===
- Now there will be a winner in both size and speed .
- Added list with current status
- Added link to the discussion.