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[TI Z80] bcall() - what exactly happens?

Posted: Wed 30 Jul, 2008 1:07 am
by chickendude

Code: Select all

rst $28
.db $0A,$45	;$450A aka _puts

jp 2810

;hl = pointer to text label

 push hl	;sp -2
 push hl	;-4
 push hl	;-6
 push af	;-8	save af
 push bc 	;-10	save bc
 push de	;-12	save de
 push hl	;-14	save hl
 ld hl,000f	;15
 add hl,sp
;stack starts at $FFFF and counts down, so this is like:
;sub sp,15

 ld d,(hl)	;hl points to the upper byte of (pc) address that was pushed onto the stack with our reset call
 dec hl		;move to lower byte
 ld e,(hl)	;
 inc de		;skip over the address of the bcall
 inc de		;de now points to the code just after bcall(_puts)
 ld (hl),e	;essentially change our return address to just after the bcall
 inc hl
 ld (hl),d

 in a,($06)
 ld c,a

 dec hl
 dec hl
 dec hl		;points LSB of first push hl
 ld (hl),a	;replace with value of in a,($06)
 dec hl
 ld (hl),$28
 dec hl
 ld (hl),$e7	;change 2nd push hl to 28e7 location

 dec de
 ld a,(de)
 ld h,a		;MSB of our bcall ($45)
 dec de
 ld a,(de)
 ld l,a		;LSB of our bcall ($0A)
;hl = pointer to bcall

 ld b,0		;bc = whatever in a,($06) means

 bit 7,h	;bit 7 is not on
 jr nz,$2846	;if it is on, reset it

 bit 6,h	;bit 7 is off, check if bit 6 is on/off
 jr z,$284c	:if it is off, do something. else reset it

 res 6,h
 ld a,$1b	;27
 jr $2857

 res 7,h
 ld a,$1f	;31
 jr $2857

 in a,($06)
 and $1f	;make sure not >31 cause below has 32  bytes
 ld de,$8230	; defines this as "baseAppBrTab"
 add a,e	;add the offset
 ld e,a
 ld a,(de)	;store value at offset to a
 ld b,a		;store into b
$2857:		;bit 7 or 6 was reset, or both are already reset
 out ($06),a	;output whatever those values mean
 ld de,$4000
 add hl,de	;why do we do this? we reset bit 6 then effectively add it right back
 ld e,l
 ld d,h		;load bcall location into de
 ld hl,$0008
 add hl,sp	;point to the stack position of 3rd push hl
 ld a,(de)	;load LSB from the location pointed to at bcall
 ld (hl),a	;store it in stack
 inc de
 inc hl
 ld a,(de)
 ld (hl),a	;load from the LUT and store where it points to into stack

 inc de		;again not sure what the purpose of this is
 ld a,b
 or a
 jr z,$2874
 ld a,(de)
 add a,b
 jr $2879
 or a
 jr nz,$2879
 ld a,c
 out ($06),a	;this seems to do something to the bcall lookup table?
 pop hl		;recall all our values (these should be unchanged by all the stack manipulation)
 pop de
 pop bc
 pop af
 ret		;jump to bcall
Sorry for posting the whole thing (i think!), i sorta commented the parts i understood. It just seems like there is a lot of redundant code and it was made unnecessarily complicated.

I was initially trying to find where the TI stores the sprites for the large font, but it turned out not to be as simple as i thought. But anyway, that is another subject altogether (that led me to many more questions!) and i think it would be clearer if i just made another topic on that.

But anyway, if it isn't too much trouble, could someone explain what exactly is going on here?

Posted: Wed 30 Jul, 2008 1:26 am
by Dwedit
If you want to find the font, use a graphics editor like Tile Layer Pro or YY-CHR.
Easy enough to find...
(note: YY-CHR is almost always a false positive for antivirus software. Add it to an exclusion list.)

But yeah, Bcall has to check the type of call to see whether it is a relative page call or absolute call, and everything else. It also has to prevent relative bcalls from being called from RAM.

Posted: Wed 30 Jul, 2008 1:46 am
by Spencer
chickendude wrote:where the TI stores the sprites for the large font
It's different in every ROM version. There may be a way to locate it with a bcall.

Posted: Wed 30 Jul, 2008 2:08 am
by benryves
Spencer wrote:
chickendude wrote:where the TI stores the sprites for the large font
It's different in every ROM version. There may be a way to locate it with a bcall.
The best I can think of is LoadPattern: "Loads the font pattern for a character to RAM. Also includes the characters width in pixels. This will work for both variable width and 5x7 fonts".

Posted: Wed 30 Jul, 2008 6:31 am
by chickendude
benryves wrote:
Spencer wrote:
chickendude wrote:where the TI stores the sprites for the large font
It's different in every ROM version. There may be a way to locate it with a bcall.
The best I can think of is LoadPattern: "Loads the font pattern for a character to RAM. Also includes the characters width in pixels. This will work for both variable width and 5x7 fonts".
I guess that kinda nulls my other topic. But thanks, i'll play around with it and see what i can come up with :)

And what is the difference between a relative/absolute call? Are bits 6/7 in some way related to/identifiers to check that?

Thanks for all the replies!

Posted: Wed 30 Jul, 2008 7:21 am
by Dwedit
When inside an app, you specify a BCALL like this:

mybcall = $ -$4000
.dw address_on_other_page
.db page_number_within_app

The address thrown into bcall will be between 0000 and 3FFF. Then it looks at the destination address and page number, switches banks, and jumps.
I'm calling it a "relative bcall" for some reason.