[TI ASM] Good yet uncomplicated memory allocator?

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[TI ASM] Good yet uncomplicated memory allocator?

Post by King Harold »

Does that even exist or is it too much to hope for? :lol:

In case anyone is interested, I've made a working first-fit memory allocator that uses a simple linked list of nodes, each nodes takes +6 bytes overhead
Now I know that it is possible to keep most information in bytes that are free, and that a simple linked list is just about the worst structure for this, and that best-fit is better on average - but each of these things add complexity..

What would be the "best" trade-off? (I'll leave "best" open for discussion)
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Post by King Harold »

I guess that means no one is interested.. :(
Well I'll just discuss it on other forums then
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Post by benryves »

I hadn't noticed this post until you bumped it, I'm afraid, but I am interested!

How would this allocator be used? Do you receive a fixed pointer to free space, or a handle that needs to be dereferenced each use? (The latter allowing you to shuffle memory around as required, but adding complexity).
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Post by King Harold »

Is the decrease of fragmentation worth the added time and complexity?
I'm afraid it is primarily meant to be used in assembly programming and that it's much simpler to use direct pointers there than it is to use handles
Still, if it's worth it, then it's worth it :lol:

And on that subject, would something like a binning-system indexed by the log of the number of byte to be allocate be worth the complexity?
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Post by benryves »

I guess the intended use is to rarely allocate memory in a batch (for example, at the start of a level) rather than constantly allocating and freeing memory during runtime?
would something like a binning-system indexed by the log of the number of byte to be allocate be worth the complexity?
What do you mean by this?
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Post by King Harold »

benryves wrote:I guess the intended use is to rarely allocate memory in a batch (for example, at the start of a level) rather than constantly allocating and freeing memory during runtime?
A bit of both, actually..
benryves wrote:What do you mean by this?
Something like a part of Doug Lea's allocator except it would not necessarily need to be 8-byte aligned
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Post by Timendus »

I've written a linked list kinda-first-fit memory allocation routine for Vera. It returns a pointer to free memory of the requested size after $C000 (non-executable). There's a three byte node overhead.

Here's my code, let me know what you think ;)

Note that it still has two TODOs: checking if there's enough RAM available to add another node and allocating memory within the executable range (for running programs).

Code: Select all

;; Vera - the calc lover's OS,
;; copyright (C) 2007 The Vera Development Team.
;; This file provides memory allocation routines for handling the RAM.
;; It doesn't handle the Flash memory, in spite of it's name.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

; =====================
; The header structure is as follows:
;     byte status;   // Either MEM_TAKEN, MEM_FREE or MEM_END
;     word size;     // Also offset to next header
; Followed by <size> bytes of data. So an example of the data after
; RAMSTART would be:
; .db MEM_TAKEN  ; Mark beginning of allocated memory
; .dw $XXXX      ; Number of bytes allocated (also offset to next)
; .db <XXXX bytes of data>
; .db MEM_FREE   ; Mark beginning of freed memory, but not end of list
; .dw $XXXX      ; Number of freed bytes, offset to next
; .db <XXXX bytes of noise>
; .db MEM_TAKEN  ; Mark beginnen of second block
; .dw $XXXX      ; Number of bytes allocated (also offset to end)
; .db <XXXX bytes of data>
; .db MEM_END    ; Anything other than FREE or TAKEN will do
; This assumes that three blocks have been allocated, and the second
; has yet been freed.
; ======================

MEM_TAKEN      = $AA      ; %10101010
MEM_FREE       = $55      ; %01010101
MEM_END        = $00      ; Anything other than FREE or TAKEN will do

MEM_RAMEND     = STACKSTART - 300  ; Stay 300 bytes away from stack start

MIN_SPLIT_SIZE = 10       ; 3 bytes header + some payload

;; === memory_init ===
;; Initialize the RAM for use (currently just clears it all, we could
;; consider doing something useful with it ;-))
;; Authors:
;;   Tim Franssen (mail@timendus.com)

	push af
	push hl
	push de
	push bc
	xor a
	ld (hl),a
	pop bc
	pop de
	pop hl
	pop af

;; === memory_allocate ===
;; Allocate a chunk of memory for data storage. The pointer you receive
;; can point to a memory block larger than you requested, but you can
;; not count on that. You also have no guarantee that the memory will be
;; executable (stored before $C000) or that it will be reset to zero (so
;; make sure you initialize it properly before using it).
;; Also, make sure you store the received pointer away carefully, because
;; you'll be needing it to free the memory later.
;; Authors:
;;   Tim Franssen (mail@timendus.com)
;; Pre:
;;   bc = number of bytes that you want allocated
;; Post:
;;   c = set if memory was not available
;;   hl = pointer to allocated memory if c is reset
;;   The accumulator will be destroyed

	push de
	ld hl,MEM_RAMSTART              ; Start searching for free space from
memory_allocate_search:                 ; beginning of data RAM
	ld a,(hl)
	jp z,memory_allocate_next       ; No space free here
	jp z,memory_allocate_checksize  ; Space free here, but is it enough?

	; It's neither taken nor freed, so we've reached the end of the list
	; Allocate memory at hl as ours!
	; TODO: Check if we've crossed MEM_RAMEND!
	ld (hl),a                       ; Mark it as taken
	inc hl
	ld (hl),b                       ; Store it's size
	inc hl
	ld (hl),c
	inc hl
	push hl
	add hl,bc                       ; Get a pointer to the next node
	ld (hl),MEM_END                 ; And mark it as the end of the list
	pop hl
	or a                            ; Clear carry flag
	pop de
	ret                             ; Return pointer in hl
	; This one is taken, advance pointer to next
	inc hl
	ld d,(hl)                       ; Get it's size
	inc hl
	ld e,(hl)
memory_allocate_next_go:                ; Label used by checksize
	inc hl
	add hl,de                       ; Add it to the pointer
	jp memory_allocate_search       ; and move on

	; We've found a freed space, is it big enough?
	inc hl                          ; Get it's size
	ld d,(hl)
	inc hl
	ld e,(hl)
;	"cp de,bc"                      ; Compare it to requested size
	ex de,hl
	or a
	sbc hl,bc
	add hl,bc
	ex de,hl
	jp c,memory_allocate_next_go    ; It doesn't fit, find next
	; It does fit, mark it as taken
	dec hl
	dec hl
	ld (hl),a
	inc hl

	; Split it up or use it whole?
	; de = size of block
	; bc = requested size
	push hl
	add hl,bc
	sbc hl,de                       ; We know carry is reset
	pop hl
	; c = de >= bc+10 = split
	; nc = de < bc+10 = use whole
	jp c,memory_allocate_checksize_split

	; Allocate the entire block, don't change it's size
	inc hl
	inc hl                          ; Fix pointer to return
	pop de
	ret                             ; We know carry is reset
	; Split the block up in a TAKEN and a FREE block
	; de = old block size
	; bc = requested size
	; hl = pointer to old block+1
	; new FREE block size = old block size - requested size - 3
	ld (hl),b                       ; Change size of old block
	inc hl
	ld (hl),c
	inc hl
	push hl                         ; Save pointer to data
	add hl,bc                       ; Pointer to new FREE block
	ld a,MEM_FREE
	ld (hl),a
	ex de,hl
	dec hl                          ; hl = old block size - 3
	dec hl
	dec hl                          ; Carry should be reset by add hl,bc
	sbc hl,bc                       ; hl -= requested size
	ex de,hl
	inc hl	
	ld (hl),d                       ; Store calculated size of new FREE block
	inc hl
	ld (hl),e
	pop hl                          ; Restore pointer to return
	pop de
	ret                             ; Carry should be reset by sbc

;; === memory_allocate_exec ===
;; Allocate a chunk of memory for a RAM application - TODO
;; Authors:
;;   Tim Franssen (mail@timendus.com)
;; Pre:
;;   hl = number of bytes that you want allocated
;; Post:
;;   c = set if memory was not available
;;   specified number of bytes have been allocated for you at $8000 if c is reset

	or a   ; clear carry flag

;; === memory_free ===
;; Free a chunk of previously allocated memory
;; Authors:
;;   Tim Franssen (mail@timendus.com)
;; Pre:
;;   hl = pointer to memory to free
;; Post:
;;   The accumulator will be destroyed
;; Warning:
;;   hl needs to point to the beginning of the allocated
;;   memory, as you got it from memory_allocate, or
;;   $8000 in case of memory_allocate_exec! Give it a wrong
;;   pointer and things will go wrong badly! (Or, to use the
;;   proper terminology: "the result is undefined" :-P)

	; TODO: Check for allocate_exec memory

	; Mark my block as FREE
	dec hl
	dec hl
	dec hl
	ld a,MEM_FREE
	ld (hl),a
	; And defragment the linked list
	push de
	push bc
	call memory_defragment
	pop bc
	pop de

; === memory_defragment ===
; Defragment the list from the start, joining adjecent FREE nodes
; Destroys de and bc

	ld a,(hl)                       ; What is my type?
	inc hl
	ld d,(hl)                       ; Already fetch the size while we're at it
	inc hl
	ld e,(hl)
	inc hl
	cp MEM_TAKEN                    ; If it's a TAKEN node, just skip it
	jp z,memory_defragment_next
	cp MEM_FREE                     ; If it's a FREE node, go and check it
	jp z,memory_defragment_checknode
	; It's neither taken nor freed, so we've reached the end of the list
	; and we know that it's defragmented, so we're done

	; This node is taken, advance pointer to next
	add hl,de
	jp memory_defragment_loop

	; This node is free, what about the next one?
	push hl
	add hl,de
	ld a,(hl)                       ; What is the type of the next node?
	cp MEM_TAKEN                    ; If it's taken, there's nothing more to
	jp z,memory_defragment_checknode_done                 ; join here
	cp MEM_FREE                     ; If it's free, join with this one
	jp z,memory_defragment_checknode_join
	; Otherwise, we've found the end of the list, so there's only empty space
	; after us, and we should become empty space too
	pop hl                          ; Get pointer to block type
	dec hl
	dec hl
	dec hl
	ld a,MEM_END                    ; Mark it as the end of the list
	ld (hl),a
	ret                             ; Done!

	; We've added as many sizes to de as we can, and we should continue our
	; main loop from the last checked place (hl)
	ld b,h                          ; Save pointer to the next taken node
	ld c,l
	pop hl                          ; Restore pointer to the checked node
	dec hl
	ld (hl),e                       ; Store new calculated size of checked node
	dec hl
	ld (hl),d
	ld h,b                          ; Restore pointer to next node
	ld l,c
	jp memory_defragment_loop       ; And move on from there

	; hl points to a node that is free, and that comes after us; calculate it's
	; size and add it to our own size
	inc hl
	ld b,(hl)                       ; Get block size
	inc hl
	ld c,(hl)
	inc bc                          ; Add header size
	inc bc
	inc bc
	ex de,hl
	add hl,bc                       ; Add it to our size
	ex de,hl
	pop hl                          ; Go and check the node that is now
	jp memory_defragment_checknode  ; after us, given the new size

; ===================
; End of file
; ===================
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Post by King Harold »

While the overhead is nice and small, both Free and Alloc are O(n) operations this way, right?
Isn't that a bit of a killer?
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Post by Timendus »

They are, but I don't really see that as a problem (for now). The use case will probably be very simple anyway:

Run application:
- Allocate memory for application
- Copy and run it
- Application allocates memory for internal data structures (usually one block)
- Application runs
- Application frees its memory
- OS frees application memory

The allocatable memory is split in executable and non-executable, so those two allocates work on separate data structures, giving you four operations with complexity O(1), as it were. No decent assembly programmer is going to allocate a different block for each "variable", or allocate/free memory in a loop. So this is just our way of giving the application programmer a flexible size "saferam". It should do well enough for all practical purposes.

But you're right, from a computer science perspective it's kinda ugly ;) I'll probably have to rewrite large parts of it if I manage to swap applications to an idle state, and suddenly several applications can have memory allocated at the same time.
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Post by King Harold »

If it's used that way, with only 1 active application, then it could be just a stack-ish thing right
To be reset when the application dies of course
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Post by Timendus »

Well, yes, but how would you implement a stack-ish thing? ;) Probably in much the same way, and this has the added benefit that you don't have to free your memory in the exact opposite order if your application allocates multiple blocks.

Also, like I said, I hope to implement a sort of application-switching in Vera (not multitasking, but allowing the user to suspend an application to do something else, and resume it later) which would break the stack model.

But if your routine isn't O(n), tell me, how did you implement it? :P
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Post by King Harold »

The stackish thing:
One pointer, points to next-to-be-allocated byte, add the size to it when alloced
Free does nothing
Pointer is reset when the app closes
Does not require the free's to be in any order - they don't do anything anyway, they just leak and assume that the programmer is smart enough to not need to free much..
Not a good idea, but it'd work, in a way..

That model would indeed break the stack model, but then, it isn't a very serious idea anyway ;)

My alloc is definitely O(n), but since it's implemented as a doubly linked list (so 6 bytes overhead) free is O(1) - so at least 1 operation is fast, but not really worth the bytes IMO..
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Post by Timendus »

I thought that's how you implemented it. Shouldn't it be 5 bytes overhead then?

Anyway, I don't agree with your stack idea. How then would you know where to allocate the next block after a few frees? If you don't actually register any frees it'll just keep growing untill you run out of memory, wouldn't it? Or are you simply talking about giving each starting application a pointer to a "saferam" to use? That wouldn't really count as an allocation algorithm anymore, would it? ;)
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Post by King Harold »

Timendus wrote:I thought that's how you implemented it. Shouldn't it be 5 bytes overhead then?
No, it's length+previous+next, 6 bytes, it only registers allocated blocks
That way, free blocks are actually free - it's easier since that way you'll never have to merge free blocks, if they are adjacent they are already merged just because of their adjacency - no further code needed

The stack allocator is a joke. It is pointless to even talk about it.
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Post by Timendus »

Isn't length equal to next - address - 6..? Seems a bit redundant :P
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