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Firefox 2.0!

Posted: Wed 25 Oct, 2006 10:00 pm
by anykey
It's here!
Not many changes; a few UI updates, this cool feature that faintly underlines misspellings, and a bunch of other stuff (don't use me as your primary source of information :D )

Posted: Wed 25 Oct, 2006 10:03 pm
by tr1p1ea
Wow, pretty cool.

More information an a download link available here: ... postlaunch

Posted: Wed 25 Oct, 2006 10:33 pm
by threefingeredguy
*cough*Opera is better*cough*

Posted: Wed 25 Oct, 2006 11:12 pm
by Jim e
threefingeredguy wrote:*cough*Opera is better*cough*
No not really, just faster and smaller.

Honestly I was all hyped for IE7, but of course that requires sp2, so no go for me.

I've had a few problems with 2.0 since my update. I few sites I used to study for school didn't work completely properly, especially bad since I thought today was a test day. It doesn't really seem all that lighter than the previous versions, and a few extensions broke...ones that I liked. Extensions are the only reason I consider fire fox worthwhile at all. Otherwise its slower more bloated than other browsers.

This spell check feature is nice though.

Posted: Wed 25 Oct, 2006 11:20 pm
by threefingeredguy
Jim e wrote:
threefingeredguy wrote:*cough*Opera is better*cough*
No not really, just faster and smaller.
And more secure, more standards compliant, and less CPU intensive. But I guess you can't live without adblock...oh wait, Opera has that built-in. I guess you need your popup blocker...oh wait, Opera has that built-in. I guess you need your Webdev toolbar...oh wait, you can download it here. I honestly don't see the appeal of the bloatware known as Firefox when there is a much more capable browser available for the same price.

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 1:18 am
by Dwedit
Yucky close buttons on Tabs, DO NOT WANT!

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 1:45 am
by Shadow Phoenix
threefingeredguy wrote:
Jim e wrote:
threefingeredguy wrote:*cough*Opera is better*cough*
No not really, just faster and smaller.
And more secure, more standards compliant, and less CPU intensive. But I guess you can't live without adblock...oh wait, Opera has that built-in. I guess you need your popup blocker...oh wait, Opera has that built-in. I guess you need your Webdev toolbar...oh wait, you can download it here. I honestly don't see the appeal of the bloatware known as Firefox when there is a much more capable browser available for the same price.

I got a bunch of add ons installed already on FF, Flashblock, Adblock, Chatzilla, FlashGot, NoScript, FDM integrateor, video downloader, and so on. Are all of those available for opera too?

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 4:04 am
by Liazon
threefingeredguy wrote:
Jim e wrote:
threefingeredguy wrote:*cough*Opera is better*cough*
No not really, just faster and smaller.
And more secure, more standards compliant, and less CPU intensive. But I guess you can't live without adblock...oh wait, Opera has that built-in. I guess you need your popup blocker...oh wait, Opera has that built-in. I guess you need your Webdev toolbar...oh wait, you can download it here. I honestly don't see the appeal of the bloatware known as Firefox when there is a much more capable browser available for the same price.
i like it better than IE7

for some reason, Opera crashes on my system. I don't know why.

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 8:51 am
by kv83
All those new features were already available in updates for either IE6 or Firefox. I guess they just needed to release a "2", so they can concurent better with a "IE".

What does IE7 offer btw? Anything special?

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 9:56 am
by coelurus
IE7 offers disgustingly blurry views last time I saw it when my buddy used it, never gonna look at it again.

And Opera is buggy. Firefox got its share, but Opera got them in the wrong places for me, I always notice them.

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 10:21 am
by benryves
Shadow Phoenix wrote:Flashblock, Adblock, Chatzilla, FlashGot, NoScript, FDM integrateor, video downloader, and so on. Are all of those available for opera too?
  • Flashblock - you can enable and disable plugins from the F12 context menu (global setting) or on a per-site basis.
  • Adblock - right-click, block content.
  • Chatzilla - Opera has an IRC client built-in (along with the mail client).
  • NoScript - you can enable/disable plugins, JavaScript, cookies and various other settings on a per-site basis (right-click Edit Site Preferences).
  • Not sure what FDM is, but Opera has an excellent download manager with pause/resume/restart/quick download features (+built in BitTorrent client).
I can't speak for the others, though. Unlike IE or Firefox, you can't really extend Opera that much aside from userscripts or widgets.
coelurus wrote:IE7 offers disgustingly blurry views last time I saw it when my buddy used it, never gonna look at it again.
IE7 stupidly overrides the system default for ClearType (XP's sub-pixel font antialiasing) and enables it. You can disable it in the Internet Options control panel. The quality of ClearType varies depending on monitor hardware.

Whether you like IE7 or not, it's hard to not admit that it is, at least, a rather large improvement over IE6. They do admit that CSS support still isn't great, but they've fixed a lot of the bugs that were in IE6.

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 10:26 am
by kv83
I'm trying Opera atm... it's so slow... why?

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 11:01 am
by benryves
kv83 wrote:I'm trying Opera atm... it's so slow... why?
Given that it's generally regarded as one of the fastest browsers - are you running it in a 486?

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 11:33 am
by kv83
IE and FireFox run both fine on this P4 ... It's fast starting up, but loading webpages is so damn slow =/

Posted: Thu 26 Oct, 2006 1:11 pm
by KermMartian
Proof-of-concept of Microsummaries in FF2... pretty cool, actually:
Cemetech Microsummary Bookmarks

I've had it for two days now, and I haven't had it crash once. Pageloads (ie, page rendering) seem even faster than 1.5, and the spell-check is just pwny.