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Dragon Song [Beta]

Posted: Sat 10 Sep, 2005 8:24 pm
by Erktheorc
Most of the engine of my game is finally completed, so i thought it was time to announce it.
It's a turn based strategy game for ti83(venus)/ti83+(mirageos) with many rpg elements (sometimes it's more like a turn based rpg with some strategy elements). The game also uses a simple script language for events to enhance gameplay (150 events/level is the maximum though). Levels are 24x24 large and uses it's own tileset. It's single player only, with a quite crappy ai ;)
The game has 3 save files, and every level has it's own save slot, so it's possible to move information betwen levels, if you make something in an early level of a campain it may affect later levels (or earlier if someone wants that :P
It's not possible (yet) to save the game in the middle of a level, it only saves whereever you have completed a level or not.
There will be two campains, one fantasy based called Dragon Song (18 levels) and one sci-fi based called Balance (8-10 levels). Both will have many different endings and different paths.
Things left to do:
*Creating the campains. (the hard part)
*Add some more text and eyecandy.
*Port it to mirageos.
*Find all remaining bugs (or at least most of them).
I took a screenshot of the game, though the quality is quite bad. It's also quite hard to see how the game is played since you can't see when I press the end of turn button most of the time (might add a splash screen later), only when enemies attack (the screen moves and my unit blink). It's also quite hard to see when an unit can't move more that turn.
The level is the one I used to debug the script engine, so most of the events are used quite badly. The tileset will most likely change and the ai script used in this level is not very interesting :)
I hope the game will be finished some day, hopefully this year :P

Posted: Sat 10 Sep, 2005 8:32 pm
by Spengo
Haha, that's awesome! 8) That really is quite good. It's like Catch 22, but with wizards and stuff. :lol: And this one will have a single player mode. :excited:

Posted: Sat 10 Sep, 2005 9:01 pm
by DarkAuron
To be honest this looks like a game that I'd like to play when it comes out; lately I havn't been interested in playing calculator games at all. We'll see. But it does look very promising :)

Posted: Sat 10 Sep, 2005 10:24 pm
by koolmansam375
Hey Erktheorc. I remember you from the old iB forums. Welcome back.

Your game looks mighty cool! I might have to borrow back my 84+SE from my sis so i can play all these cool new games! *pokes Joe P to finish Metroid*

Posted: Sun 11 Sep, 2005 2:40 am
by kv83
You know that "Dragon Song" is the new subtitle of the new Lunar game for the DS, right? :P

Posted: Sun 11 Sep, 2005 3:17 am
Yea, I noticed that too kv, although I think I've heard Erk talk about this game a while back before lunar: dragon song

Posted: Sun 11 Sep, 2005 3:18 am
by kalan_vod
looks really good, keep it up man!

Posted: Sun 11 Sep, 2005 5:17 am
by tr1p1ea
Hey Erktheorc, your game looks mighty cool ... i like the idea of then scripting engine, sounds very interesting indeed :).

Posted: Sun 11 Sep, 2005 7:01 am
by Erktheorc
kv83 wrote:You know that "Dragon Song" is the new subtitle of the new Lunar game for the DS, right? :P
Yes, but I took the name before them :D It's actually from the book Draconomicon (D&D) (from the prestige class dragonsong lyrist):)

Also fixed some minor bugs, now animated tiles work as they should :)
Will post another screenshot when the first level is done, hopefully that one will show more what the game really looks like and not that old alpha level I made over a year ago :P

a new picture

Posted: Sun 09 Oct, 2005 11:06 pm
by Erktheorc
I have worked on the game a bit since the last post. The script engine now has support for subroutines. This hopefully helps to make the levels to become smaller. With all the graphics I might add, they probably will be quite large (probably around 2-6k).
The picture below is taken from the first level, but because of the fog there is not much to see.
The face is just something I drew in 5 minutes to test the subroutine script and as you can see in the picture below the script worked quite well ;) I will though have small pictures showing which character that is currently speaking.
Right now the character tiles look a little bit too much like the ones in Joltima, so I really need to change them or at least modify them a bit more :)

Posted: Sun 09 Oct, 2005 11:34 pm
by necro
your character sprites look a bit "stick figurey"...but it is other wise realy neat

Posted: Mon 10 Oct, 2005 1:22 am
by kalan_vod
Those trees are really nice :D.

Posted: Mon 10 Oct, 2005 2:27 am
by threefingeredguy
Thats a really cool screen shot. Will there be an animated one soon?

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 4:30 am
by Erktheorc
I will post a new screenshot next week, right now I'm on vacation in Los Angeles and that's the reason for the lack of updates lately.
As soon as I get home I will continue to make levels, I still have 17 (out of 18 ) left... ;)
I also plan to port it to mirage since the build I'm working on right know is for venus (ti83) only and I want to test the game with lots of levels on the calc. It will be quite easy since the code is only 6-7kiB large right now (10kiB with buffers). I also plan to include a simple save function so that you don't need to restart a level every time you have to quit, since some levels may take some time to complete ;)
Now I have to get some sleep... (well I know, it's only 8-9 pm here but I'm quite sleepy anyway :P

Posted: Sat 12 Nov, 2005 2:31 pm
by GuillaumeH
It looks promising :)