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Posted: Sun 22 Apr, 2007 2:35 am
by DarkAuron
And this is when I say: Welcome to America!

Posted: Sun 22 Apr, 2007 2:55 am
by DigiTan
Not helping. :sick:

Posted: Sun 22 Apr, 2007 4:07 am
by threefingeredguy
I'm moving off campus next year.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr, 2007 3:41 pm
by Delnar_Ersike
However, if more and more people move off campus, then less and less people are paying for the apartments, and the corporation will probably gain less money from the increase than before...which will result in one of the following: 1. The corporation will lower the 10% to another amount so the students will move back, 2. The corporation will raise the 10% to another amount so they could make up the loss of the students, but will make even less students pay, 3. The corporation will go near bankruptcy and will do something unknown out of desperation

My 2 cents, though I'm not in college yet...

Posted: Mon 23 Apr, 2007 12:05 am
by DigiTan
D'oh! It would almost certainly happen that way but they're at capacity this year and still flooded with new requests. A couple of us are writing the state senator about.

The good news is I went to a party this afternoon and everybody was talking about it. They really got the word out. Must...join...underground......newspaper.

Posted: Wed 08 Aug, 2007 5:33 am
by CDI
I understand this is aweful late to dig this topic back from the dead. But I was wondering what happened with all of this?

Posted: Wed 08 Aug, 2007 12:17 pm
by Super Speler
I believe DigiTan is now living off campus and still attending the school.

Posted: Wed 08 Aug, 2007 7:25 pm
by hop


Posted: Wed 08 Aug, 2007 8:28 pm
by threefingeredguy
I'm supposed to be living on campus, but they randomly assigned my room to a stranger even though my 3 roommates and I signed up for it back in April.

Hooray, now I can't move back in until spring because I was mysteriously removed from their system in the time between when my roommate talked to them and when I talked to them. Of course this means my housing scholarship will go to waste as it only covers campus housing and that I have to find a job and enough money to get an apartment lease in the next 8 days.

Posted: Thu 16 Aug, 2007 1:07 am
by DigiTan
Well, like 3fg, you won't catch me living on campus this fall. After my sticks & tree shelter collapsed, I rented out a 1-bedroom loft some 2km away. It's off campus but still close enough to keep tabs on things. 8)

So here's what I found this summer... Their official response is that they revised our degree plan in order to meet ABET certification standards. However, the professors I checked with doubted our ABET status was never in any immediate danger. The whole revision was planned between early 2005 and March 2007 and brought up possibly as early as 2003. So far, I suspect they were trying to do one of three things here... (1) Either the department was using our Senior Design classes as a guinea pig to test if we would please the ABET boards and other executives. (2) The department was under pressure to boost financial performance and thus made our 4-year program a 4½ year program. (3) Or it was some combination of those two and the department simply killed two birds with one stone. In either case, most faculty members I talked to think applying this to people on the verge of graduating was done in bad tastes.

Anyway, the whole thing got me thinking of starting some kind student forum. Were you could discuss any aspect of student life (good or bad) or organize with peers to resolve issues like this. Sort of like Student Government does but without all the formalities. On a more typical day, it might just be an information brokerage where students ask insider info (how to legally get software licenses from the school, how to fund a research project, etc) and student informants simply reply. I figure if there's only one way to make the most of being way overdue for graduation, this is it. This place gets bigger every semester, somebody has to make sure the system stays honest.

Posted: Thu 16 Aug, 2007 9:08 pm
by threefingeredguy
Dude, I'm still looking for a place and a 1 bedroom place, if it's cheap enough, would be fantastic. Where is it?

A student forum may be a good idea. UTD is a massive nerd school, you could probably get decent membership.

Posted: Thu 16 Aug, 2007 11:00 pm
by DigiTan
Yep. It's McCallum Meadows just west of school. Mine was ready within 3 weeks of applying. A 3rd-floor single is about $430/mo after factoring in rent, washer, dryer, and water. And they discount your first month. The only big downside is the neighborhood. A little rough.

I'd really like to see the forum idea get off the ground. Like right now, some students are trying to open a switching & networks class, but they need 3 more people before August 23rd or it won't get approval. The forum would be perfect for organizing stuff like that. and used to do a little of this, but those domains were school-owned and got voted offline in '06. And they were mostly complaint-oriented, whereas this forum might cover everything.

I figure with 2-3 admins, student "experts" from all seven schools, and a few researchers/informants, it would have every aspect covered. And as far as I know it's never been before.

Posted: Thu 16 Aug, 2007 11:20 pm
by threefingeredguy
All 3 paragraphs are things to consider. Thanks.

Posted: Fri 17 Aug, 2007 12:42 am
by DigiTan
Yeah, hopefully you can get something close to campus. On-campus housing is totally screwed up now and I don't see it getting before for a long while.

Well today I'm putting together an idea powerpoint to kind of get the idea out. Think you'd be interested 3fg?

Posted: Fri 17 Aug, 2007 9:36 pm
by threefingeredguy
I don't have PowerPoint actually. I probably have the OpenOffice equivalent though.
I spoke to a couple friends of mine, both are EE majors and good with computers. They've been wanting to restart for a while. I know the site wouldn't be just about Waterview and how much it sucks, but it would be a good place for discussion of those subjects. They'd like to be involved.