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Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 7:17 pm
by CompWiz
which worked nicely. You could read the news on calcwebzine and get all the updates on progress of all the projects going on. From screenies to demos to releases, it was all there, and much more convenient than going to all the different sites.

Posted: Mon 07 Aug, 2006 10:01 pm
by kv83
CoBB wrote:
kv83 wrote:
CoBB wrote: That's rather
Not really. CalcWebzine combined it, just fetched and displayed it.
Well, what is their conglomerate if not a combination of news from many sources? Calcwebzine wasn't really working off various news sources (which wouldn't make much sense anyway for a human-edited column), rather directly from the developers or from forums as far as I remember.
Ah, you are right as ever, ow mighty CoBB _O_ ;)

Nah, just kidding. I think we ment both the same. :)

Did I hear someone saying revsoft? :?

Posted: Tue 08 Aug, 2006 12:24 am
by Darth Android
kv83 wrote:Maybe you can give certain people, you 'trust', right to edit it?
That's a rather good idea, I may give access to one admin from every group or something.

If you are staff of a group, send an email to and I'll add you to the list, though confer with the other staff members of the site because i'm probably only going to take one per group.

Posted: Tue 08 Aug, 2006 4:05 am
by Madskillz
Jim you wanna take it or me?

Oh and we all know RevSoft is far supreme...come on, we have Zelda, Wizards, SSP2, kalan_vod, some guy registered as "GO TO FUCKING HELL", Jim e, Rezek, RealSound, Desolate 2, Madskillz, Burntfuse, Deathsting, Calv!n, and AlienCC.

Though we may not have all of those we do take pride in our work just like everybody else in the community...and it is great to have a tool that allows us all to have information from every group!

Posted: Tue 08 Aug, 2006 5:46 am
by Patori
This is a really cool idea.... one can see when contests are.... and its a nice way for the whole community to get together... is anyone posting this around?

Posted: Tue 08 Aug, 2006 7:13 am
by kv83
We'll discuss this in the staff forum and mail you darth.

Posted: Tue 08 Aug, 2006 3:02 pm
by Darth Android
Patori wrote:This is a really cool idea.... one can see when contests are.... and its a nice way for the whole community to get together... is anyone posting this around?
It's been posted several places from what I've heard. Don't think it's made it to DetachedSolutions if anyone wants to take it there.

Posted: Tue 08 Aug, 2006 5:42 pm
by Andy_J
I'm going to post about it over at calcgames later, though we already discussed it amongst ourselves last night.