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Posted: Fri 09 Sep, 2005 10:28 pm
by Jim e
lecks wrote:explain to me about this "flash drive" you call.. what is this technology you speak of? what are you? divine, to us mere cave men, needing to know, not to fear... ahh screw it!!

what is a flash drive?
Serious....OMFG!!!! :shock: Flash Drives.

Cave people. :evil:


Posted: Fri 09 Sep, 2005 10:28 pm
by lecks
ok lets start over..

lets say, somebody makes a game, and seperately makes mp3 sfx for the game. you put the sfx in the usb mp3 and then load the game to your calc..

now, part of that game's code, say whenever you trigger something, it sends a command for the mp3 player to play a sound. the sound will never be stored into the calc, and the only thing the calculator has to do is send a command to the usb port, telling the mp3 to play the sound.

this will work because the mp3 can receive commands, the same way it does when hooked up to a computer and its told to do things like to give songs to the computer, or to take songs, or to PLAY A SONG...

OR, someone can make a game and store it in usb mp3, along with the sound, and the game is being played off of the usb mp3, taking little, if any, calculator rom. then, whenever something is triggered, the sound is played in real time, with the game.

sound good?

Posted: Fri 09 Sep, 2005 10:44 pm
by Jim e
I don't think it's worth it. It may possible, but Why goto such lengths for what could be at best galaxian.

Besides unless your making this your project, this thread should be in the ideas section.

Posted: Fri 09 Sep, 2005 11:36 pm
by lecks
ok fine ill put it in the ideas section, althoygh, it is a project i was gonna start... im probably not gonna finish it

Posted: Fri 09 Sep, 2005 11:37 pm
by lecks
where the hell is the ideas section?

Posted: Fri 09 Sep, 2005 11:37 pm
by lecks
nvm i found it

Posted: Fri 09 Sep, 2005 11:45 pm
by Gambit
I just wanted to point this out: there is a button near the upper-right of your post that looks like this:


Use that instead of triple posting in the future ;)

Posted: Sat 10 Sep, 2005 12:31 am
by Andy_J
I don't know of a SINGLE mp3 player that can play a song on demand via the USB port. It's easy to LOAD files onto them; they just show up as another hard drive to the computer... While I'm sure that some exist, it's just not worth it. You're going to end up requiring your end user to own $200 of equipement just to play your game. You're going to end up being the only person playing it.

Posted: Sat 10 Sep, 2005 12:42 am
by lecks
i kinda realized that it would have a low audience... i thought it would work on any mp3 that uses usb, and alot of people have mp3 players. hey, it was just an idea, im not demanding anybody to agree with me.

Posted: Sat 10 Sep, 2005 3:20 am
by DigiTan
This topic is popping up in more places than overnight mushrooms.

You can get a standalone MP3 decoder chip for less than $10 nowadays. Mix this with a microcontroller or a low-end processor and you've music faster than I get adult acne. A good buy if you don't mind having this bolted to your system.

Posted: Sat 10 Sep, 2005 1:37 pm
by lecks