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Posted: Thu 10 Nov, 2005 1:20 am
by thecheat
no clue, I'm 14 actually. and they have this idea (good parents just have a thing against videogames please no asking) that it's the pit's though go to and look under new and d&d heh that's what you call fanatics.

PS: I really don't care anyways, just barely able to do this anyways, my school is quite a load.

Posted: Thu 10 Nov, 2005 4:01 am
by Liazon
I do admit there are some obssive fanatics, that's true. I more or less play because i find the math/probability behind the game kind of amazing.

that means you've just started hs. freshman year (last year) was so much easier than this year.

Posted: Thu 10 Nov, 2005 4:58 pm
by thecheat
i'm homeschooled, but I was just started in a class called "konos' which teaches history, literature, drama, and stuff. The teachers don't pull back any on their load. Though it is great to be with other kidsa day in the week.