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Posted: Mon 12 Jun, 2006 7:11 pm
by threefingeredguy
It happened in mine, but I lost it when the bug got out of control :(. I think it was recall pic because I drew about 3 tilemaps but I recalled pics a hundred times.

Posted: Mon 12 Jun, 2006 7:17 pm
by Spellshaper
tr1p1ea wrote:There seems to be a problem with xLIB screwing with the Y-Vars. I havent been able to pinpoint it but it might have something to do with the TileMap routine or the RecallPic routine.
I go that bug, too.
Actually cleared my RAM several times when I tried to look up the Y=-vars...

But it's not very dangerous if you I keep making backups every 1-3hours ^^

Posted: Tue 20 Jun, 2006 6:22 pm
by tr1p1ea
Still sucks that you have to ... im very surprised that no-one foud this bug during testing. I will do my best to correct it.

Posted: Thu 22 Jun, 2006 3:39 pm
by CDI
I found it
and I know what causes it to an extent...

if you do not fully complete each real( statement then you are at higher risk for these to come about...

Posted: Thu 22 Jun, 2006 9:23 pm
by dysfunction
I've never seen that bug... I did get a bug a few times, that completely corrupted half the .8xp files, once I got really panicked because I backed up files that were already corrupted and deleted my last non-corrupted backup. After that, I kept as many past backups as I could in archive, and backed them up to computer as quickly as possible.

Posted: Fri 23 Jun, 2006 11:25 am
by tr1p1ea
This is the exact reason why i need these kinds of things reported to me ... So they can be fixed and the chances of losing work are reduced.

I dont remember any of this stuff cropping up during testing :S.

Posted: Sat 24 Jun, 2006 5:45 am
by necro
so, how hard does it look to fix?

Posted: Sat 24 Jun, 2006 2:18 pm
by dysfunction
tr1p1ea wrote:This is the exact reason why i need these kinds of things reported to me ... So they can be fixed and the chances of losing work are reduced.

I dont remember any of this stuff cropping up during testing :S.
I'm pretty sure the bug I was talking about went away in a later version. I haven't had it in a long time.

Posted: Sat 24 Jun, 2006 9:03 pm
by threefingeredguy
I only got it once during testing but I attributed it to Zelda testing.

Posted: Sun 25 Jun, 2006 4:10 am
by crzyrbl
?? my zelda ??

Posted: Sun 25 Jun, 2006 4:55 pm
by threefingeredguy
No, Spencer's Zelda.

Posted: Wed 28 Jun, 2006 5:18 am
by necro

Posted: Wed 30 Aug, 2006 3:50 pm
by tr1p1ea
lolje has done it, he has found what caused the StorePic bug! After he told me how you could reproduce it, finding and fixing the prob only took a few minutes!

Posted: Wed 30 Aug, 2006 4:33 pm
by King Harold
and how about memcheck thing clearing part of your homescreen? (not that it is sensible to execute it form the homescreen.. anyway, did i report it allready?)

Posted: Wed 30 Aug, 2006 11:10 pm
by Scavenger
I found a bug (and paid dearly for it). :( I'm not sure which function caused it, but I was only using draw shape and draw sprite. I'm not even sure if it was xlib, but it didn't look like basic. I came up like a normal error (ERR:GOTO) but the like just had ES, no ERR. The only option was quit. I quit and the homescreen was messed up. The cursor was a solid checkerboard, instead of a flashing rectangle. Nothing I typed in would be displayed. I went into the apps menu and finance showed up (I had it hidden with Omnicalc) and one of my apps had the archived star in front of it. Then I tried to go into the memory, and it crashed.